Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9147
Towards Checking Laws' Consistency through Ontology Design: The Case of Brazilian Vehicles' Laws
(Universidad de Talca, 2011)
Towards a New Justificatory Theory of Comparative Constitutional Law
(Strathmore University Press, 2015-06)
This paper tries to explain what comparative constitutional law is and takes the US legal practice as an example.The presence of comparative analysis is considered both in the academic arena and in the case law of the US ...
La Administración de la Tecnología de la Información en las Organizaciones
The introduction of computer technology has brought organizations associated with expected productivity levels in many cases. One reason for this paradox is the consideration that this problem is reduced to a technical ...
Transnational anticorruption law in action: cases from Argentina and Brazil
(Blackwell Publishing Inc., 2015)
Debates over whether transnational and international legal institutions are fair, effective, or legitimate responses to corruption of local public officials have an important empirical dimension. We use case studies to ...
Comparative law from the global south perspective genealogy of a critical projectComparación jurídica desde el sur global genealogía de un proyecto crítico
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)
La eficiencia procesal y el debido proceso
(Universidad Externado de Colombia, 2017)
El presente artículo se enmarca en la tradición del Análisis Económico
del Derecho Procesal. Al respecto, se critica el tratamiento de minimización
de los costos procesales relevantes que ha motivado a los autores del ...