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St. Mary's Hospital, Rochester, N.Y.
The majestic stone building that is St. Mary's Hospital, lined with trees. Postcard number 5042.
Luna Park, Surf Avenue, By Night, Coney Island, N.Y.
(The American Art Publishing Co. New York City., 2009-03-17)
A festive painting of Coney Island at night, with automobiles and a tram travelling down the main street. Description on the back of the postcard: "Surf Avenue at night is illuminated with 1,000,000 electric lights and is ...
Maraval Road - Trinidad
(Goodwille and Wilson Ltd., Trinidad, 2009-11-06)
Large, leafy trees, whose foliage cross one another to form a thick black mass, and three large clumps of bamboo stand stately off to the left of the earthen road. The long, lean stalks of the bamboo overlap each other as ...
H - Port of Spain, Trinidad
A couple of locals sit by the roadside in Port of Spain. In the background horse drawn carriages can be seen as well as the Treasury Building with its long rectangular windows obscured by a large leafy tree. This building ...
[Hotel McKinney, Palm Gardens, Trinidad, B.W.I.]
The postcard shows the Hotel McKinney, Palm Garden Restaurant and Buffet, Marine (Independence) Square, Port of Spain. Circa 1844 the building was known as the Ice house - a large cold-storage facility constructed by Mr. ...
Lull in Market Trade, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Matthews Art Service, New York, Printed in United States of America., 2009-02-10)
Vegetable vendors sitting outside the market building experience a lull in sales. The postcard is dated 19th August 1939. Affixed to the postcard is a 3 cents Trinidad and Tobago postage stamp. Postcard number 492.
Queen's Park Hotel, Trinidad
(G.G. Belgrave, Trinidad, 2010-06-16)
The Queen's Park Hotel, located in Port of Spain on the southern side of the Queen's Park Savannah, was first opened in January 1895. There are a few horse and carriages at the centre horizon and the sign above the entrance ...
Queen's Park Hotel, Trinidad
(Goodwille and Wilson Ltd., Trinidad, 2010-06-16)
The Queen's Park Hotel, located in Port of Spain on the southern side of the Queen's Park Savannah, was first opened in January 1895. A few horse and carriages are parked in the road opposite to the hotel. A sign bearing ...
Pitch Lake, La Brea, Trinidad
(The Bonanza, Smith Bros and Co., Trinidad, 2009-06-26)
Photo of Pitch Lake at La Brea, Trinidad. Three males are seen digging pitch, which looks like mud and others are sitting on carriages. The card has hand-written correspondence and a United States postage stamp valued at one cent.
Queen's Park Hotel, Trinidad, Port of Spain, Trinidad, B.W.I.
(Davidson and Todd Ltd., Trinidad, 2010-06-16)
The Queen's Park Hotel, located in Port of Spain on the Southern side of the Queen's Park Savannah, was first opened in January 1895. This postcard is addressed to E.Mittlelsteadt of New York, United States of America.