Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 472
Protocol choice influences cardiopulmonary outcomes in type 2 diabetes patients
This study compared VO2 peak and cardiopulmonary parameters during the Bruce Protocol (BP) and a cardiopulmonary exercise test (CPX) in 8 diabetic (DG, 55.4 ± 7.0 yrs) and 13 non-diabetic (NDG, 51.5 ± 5.8 yrs) subjects. ...
Hemolysis and inflammatory response to extracorporeal circulation during on-pump CABG: Comparison between roller and centrifugal pump systems
Objective: To compare the perioperative incidence rates of hemolysis and inflammatory response in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting with the two main types of cardiopulmonary bypass, centrifugal and roller ...
Nitric oxide modulation of glutamatergic, baroreflex, and cardiopulmonary transmission in the nucleus of the solitary tract
(Amer Physiological Soc, 2005-01-01)
The neuromodulatory effect of NO on glutamatergic transmission has been studied in several brain areas. Our previous single-cell studies suggested that NO facilitates glutamatergic transmission in the nucleus of the solitary ...
Use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing to assess early ventilatory changes related to occupational particulate matter
(Assoc Bras Divulg Cientifica, 2018)
Spirometry has been used as the main strategy for assessing ventilatory changes related to occupational exposure to particulate matter (OEPM). However, in some cases, as one of its limitations, it may not be sensitive ...
Ischemic changes in exercise ECG in a hypertensive subject acutely exposed to high altitude Possible role of a high-altitude induced imbalance in myocardial oxygen supply-demand
(Elsevier, 2014)
In the 1930–1940s Levy and coworkers administered low oxygen tension (thus simulating exposure to an altitude of about 5000 m) while monitoring ECG, in order to demonstrate coronary inadequacy resulting from imbalance ...
Behavioral and cardiopulmonary effects of dexmedetomidine alone and in combination with butorphanol, methadone, morphine or tramadol in conscious sheep
OBJECTIVE: To compare cardiopulmonary and sedative effects following administration of dexmedetomidine alone or with butorphanol, methadone, morphine or tramadol in healthy sheep. STUDY DESIGN: Randomized crossover study. ...
Effect of cardiopulmonary bypass on the pharmacokinetics of propranolol and atenolol
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2009)
The pharmacokinetics of some β-blockers are altered by cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB). The objective of this study was to compare the effect of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) surgery employing CPB on the pharmacokinetics ...
Effect of haematocrit on pump and kidney dysfunction after myocardial revascularization
(Acta Cardiologica, 2009-02-01)
Objective - Kidney dysfunction is a common complication after cardiac surgery. It occurs in 7 to 31% of the patients. The lowest haematocrit after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (LHCT) has been identified as a risk factor ...
Computed tomography assessment of lung structure in patients undergoing cardiac surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass
(Associação Brasileira de Divulgação Científica, 2011)
Hypoxemia is a frequent complication after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), usually attributed to atelectasis. Using computed tomography (CT), we investigated postoperative pulmonary ...
Influence of cardiopulmonary bypass on cefuroxime plasma concentration and pharmacokinetics in patients undergoing coronary surgery
The aims of this study were to evaluate the influence of cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) on the plasma concentrations and pharmacokinetics of cefuroxime and to assess whether the cefuroxime dose regimen (a 1.5 g dose, followed ...