Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 23
A new report on the clasper movements of a captive Sand Tiger Shark Carcharias taurus (Lamniformes:Odontaspididae) and a possible reason for the behaviour
Elasmobranchs present four clasper movements, which can be seen in different contexts from mating to no obvious reason. Three movements have been reported in Carcharias taurus and here the first occurrence of clasper flaring ...
A new report on the clasper movements of a captive Sand Tiger Shark Carcharias taurus (Lamniformes: Odontaspididae) and a possible reason for the behaviour
Elasmobranchs present four clasper movements, which can be seen in different contexts from mating to no obvious reason. Three movements have been reported in Carcharias taurus and here the first occurrence of clasper flaring ...
Local extinction of sharks of genus Carcharias Rafinesque, 1810 (Elasmobranchii, Odontaspididae) in the eastern Pacific Ocean
(Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN), 2007)
Nerves of the Mandibular Musculature of the Sand Tiger Shark Carcharias taurus (Rafinesque, 1810) (Chondrichthyes: Odontaspididae)
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2005)
Ecoturismo com tubarões no litoral de Santa Catarina: quão rentável seria?
(Florianópolis, SC., 2022)
Depletion of trophy large-sized sharks populations of the south-western Atlantic: insights from fishers knowledge
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia, 2016-03)
Globally, sharks are impacted by a wide range of human activities, resulting in many populations being depleted. Trophy large-sized sharks of the Argentinean coast, the sand-tiger Carcharias taurus , the copper Carcharhinus ...
Escalandrún: carcharias taurus mangona sand tiger shark
(Remitente Patagonia, 2018)
El escalandrún es rápidamente identificable por poseer las dos aletas dorsales del mismo tamaño, un hocico cónico y dientes alargados y puntiagudos que sobresalen de la boca. Tiene una coloración dorsal gris amarronada, a ...