Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14
Dental Anthropology Of A Brazilian Sample: Frequency Of Nonmetric Traits
Dental morphological markers as a proxy for ethnicity in Robinson Crusoe islanders Marcadores morfológicos dentarios en la estimación de la etnicidad poblacional de la Isla Robinson Crusoe
(Universidad de la Frontera, 2015)
© 2015, Universidad de la Frontera. All rights reserved. Chilean Robinson Crusoe Island is a semi-isolated location with unusually high rates of both consanguinity and language disorder. The current population of 633 ...
Dental Morphological Markers as a Proxy for Ethnicity in Robinson Crusoe Islanders
(Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía, 2015)
Chilean Robinson Crusoe Island is a semi-isolated location with unusually high rates of both consanguinity and
language disorder. The current population of 633 inhabitants is descended almost exclusively from the colonization ...
Frequency and variability of dental morphology in deciduous and permanent dentition of a Nasa indigenous group in the municipality of Morales, Cauca, Colombia.
Objectives: To determine the frequency, variability, sexual dimorphism and bilateral symmetry of fourteen dental crown traits in the deciduous and permanent dentition of 60 dental models (35 women and 25 men) obtained from ...
Genetic structure of a population of Valparaiso. II. Distribution of two dental traits with anthropological importance
The frequency of Carabelli's cusp (27.24%) and shovel‐shaped incisors (45.72%) were determined in a sample of students from the city of Valparaíso. These values are intermediate between those found in Caucasian and Mongolian ...
Some dental traits of Diaguitas Indian skulls
Dental characteristics were studied on 60 skulls that belong to a population of Diaguitas Indians of approximately the Tenth Century. Mesiodistal crown diameters of permanent teeth were as follows: central incisors (8.77 ...
Frecuencia y variabilidad de la morfología dental en niños afro-colombianos de una institución educativa de Puerto Tejada, Cauca, Colombia.
Objetivos: Determinar la frecuencia y variabilidad de once rasgos morfológicos dentales coronales (winging, incisivos centrales y laterales en pala, doble pala, cúspide de Carabelli, pliegue acodado, protostílido, patrón ...
Prevalencia y variabilidad de ocho rasgos morfológicos dentales en jóvenes de tres colegios de Cali, 2002.
Objetivos: Determinar la prevalencia y variabilidad de ocho rasgos morfológicos dentales:
incisivos en pala (UI1), cúspide de Carabelli (UM1), reducción del hipocono (UM2),
cresta distal del trigónido (LM1), cúspide sexta ...