Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 752
How do the affective and symbolic factors of private car driving influence car users’ travel behavior in a car restriction policy scenario?
(Cartagena de Indias, 2023)
The number of private car trips a person makes is usually linked to external factors such as economic incentives or disincentives, legislation, infrastructure, and the quality of transport systems, among others. The impact ...
Is city-level travel time by car associated with individual obesity or diabetes in Latin American cities? Evidence from 178 cities in the SALURBAL project
(Elsevier, 2022)
There is growing evidence that longer travel time by private car poses physical and mental risks. Individual-level obesity and diabetes, two of the main public health challenges in low- and middle-income contexts, could ...
A theranostic PSMA ligand for PET imaging and retargeting of T cells expressing the universal chimeric antigen receptor UniCAR
(Taylor & Francis GroupU.S.A, 2019-09-07)
Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells have shown impressive therapeutic potential. Due to the lack of direct control mechanisms, therapy-related adverse reactions including cytokine release- and tumor lysis syndrome can ...
Sustainable transportation in Argentina: Values, beliefs, norms and car use reduction
(Elsevier, 2013-09)
Most Latin American countries face important environmental and societal problems associated with an increase in car traffic, and only recently, transport policies aimed at reducing these harmful consequences of car use ...
Nonholonomic path planning among obstacles subject to curvature restrictions
This paper addresses the problem of finding a non-holonomic path subject to a curvature restriction, to be tracked by a wheeled autonomous navigation vehicle. This robot is able to navigate in a structured environment, ...
Last call: the effect of car sharing apps on traffic accidents
Ao tirarmos proveito das diferentes datas de lançamento de plataformas de compartilhamento de veículos particulares, pudemos investigar o efeitos destas na segurança do trânsito, mensurada pelo número de acidentes reportados ...
Slow-to-Start Traffic Model: Traffic Saturation and Scaling Limits
(Springer, 2020-09)
We consider a one-dimensional traffic model with a slow-to-start rule. The initial position of the cars in R is a Poisson process of parameter λ. Cars have speed 0 or 1 and travel in the same direction. At time zero the ...
Customer choice of a car maintenance service provider: a model to identify the service attributes that determine choice
(Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2007)
Purpose - This paper investigates the determinants of customer choice of a car maintenance service provider after the warranty period. It focuses on the alternative of using branded car dealers, who provide this service ...
The emergence of an electric mobility trajectory
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2013-01)
In this paper, we analyse the emergence of a trajectory of electric moblity. We describe developments in electric vehicles before and after 2005. The central thesis of the paper is that electric mobility has crossed a ...