Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 135
Analyzing capillary-rise method settings for contact-angle determination of granular media
Characteristics of electron beam formation in a hollow cathode triggered fast capillary discharge
(IET, 2000)
The fast pulsed capillary discharge has been shown to be an efficient source of radiation in the XUV range. Two main conditions are required to operate a pulsed capillary discharge as a fast XUV radiation source. First, ...
Penetración Capilar Anular en Conos
The main objective of this thesis is the theoretical analisis of the spontaneous
capillary rise and the equilibrium heights in capillary annular conical spaces of viscous
liquids. Here the lubrication theory was used in ...
Test and device to evaluate the capillary absorption in soil specimens of adobe and rammed earthEnsayo y dispositivo para evaluar la absorción capilar en probetas de adobe y tapia
(Universidad de Zulia, 2013-04)
The moisture degree of capillary rise is an indicator of the state of conservation of earthen construction and their mechanical response to load cases, especially seismic action, since the buildings diminish resistant ...
Imbibición espontánea en tubos capilares tipo curva de Koch.
(Álvarez Romero Liliana., 2017-10-23)
Se estudiaron los efectos de la geometr´ıa fractal en el proceso de imbibicion capilar. El an ´ ali- ´
sis del ascenso capilar en tubos con la forma de la curva de Koch se realizo con iteraciones ´
i = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. ...
Percolation study for the capillary ascent of a liquid through a granular soil
Abstract. Capillary rise plays a crucial role in the construction of road embankments in flood zones, where hydrophobic compounds are added to the soil to suppress the rising of water and avoid possible damage of the ...
Determination of Surface Tension of Surfactant Solutions through Capillary Rise Measurements: An Image-Processing Undergraduate Laboratory Experiment
(American Chemical Society, 2016-09)
In this work, we described an image processing procedure for the measurement of surface tension of the air-liquid interface using isothermal capillary action. The experiment, designed for an undergraduate course, is based ...
Transient hollow cathode effects and Z-pinch formation in a high current capillary discharge with a metal plasma
(IEEE, 2004)
The results from a series of experiments are presented whose purpose is to explore different schemes which may lead to the formation of pure metal plasmas in a capillary discharge with parameters appropriate for X ray ...