Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 44
Force exerted by a nanoscale capillary water bridge between two planar substrates
Molecular dynamics simulation of a nanoscale capillary water bridge between two planar substrates is used to determine the resulting force between the substrates without arbitrariness regarding geometry and location of the ...
A molecular dynamics study of the force between planar substrates due to capillary bridges
Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study capillary liquid bridges between two planar substrates and the origin, strength and range of the resulting force between them. Pairwise interactions are described by the ...
Structural properties of wet granular bed subjected to tapping
(Springer, 2010-12)
Based on a simple numerical model for wet granular beds, we study the structural properties of wet particles subjected to tapping in terms of the global anisotropy and angular distribution presented by their contacts. The ...
Simple model for wet granular beds subjected to tapping
(Springer, 2009-12)
We present a simple model to describe the response of a granular bed to a tapping-like excitation when grains can form capillary bridges due to the presence of interstitial liquid. We implement a pseudodynamic simulation ...
Floating liquid bridge tensile behavior: Electric-field-induced Young's modulus measurements
(Amer Inst PhysicsMelvilleEUA, 2013)
Liquid transfer from single cavities to rotating rolls
(Cambridge University Press, 2014-05)
In this work we study computationally the dynamics of a liquid bridge formed between a 2D trapezoidal cavity, which represents an axisymmetric cell or a plane groove engraved in a roll, and a moving plate. The flow is a ...
Floating Liquid Bridge Charge Dynamics
(American Institute of Physics Inc., 2016)
Percolation study for the capillary ascent of a liquid through a granular soil
Abstract. Capillary rise plays a crucial role in the construction of road embankments in flood zones, where hydrophobic compounds are added to the soil to suppress the rising of water and avoid possible damage of the ...