Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 69
Marketing político : la campaña presidencial de Mauricio Macri
(Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Administración y Negocios, 2016-05-30)
El trabajo de graduación se centra en la estrategia de marketing llevada a cabo por el equipo de campaña de Mauricio Macri, que lo llevó a la presidencia del país. El principal objetivo del estudio fue plantear y explicar ...
Consumer perceptions of B corporations, purpose-driven brands and cause-related marketing campaigns: Knowledge, acceptance and appreciation at the time of purchase
(Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias EmpresarialesPE, 2020-12)
For the Argentine case, studies that identify increasing implementation of three major CSR triple-impact strategies—B corporations, purpose-driven brands and marketing, and cause-related marketing—focus predominantly on ...
Consumer perceptions of B corporations, purpose-driven brands and cause-related marketing campaigns: Knowledge, acceptance and appreciation at the time of purchase
(Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2020-12)
For the Argentine case, studies that identify increasing implementation of three major CSR triple-impact strategies—B corporations, purpose-driven brands and marketing, and cause-related marketing—focus predominantly on ...
Consumer perceptions of B corporations, purpose-driven brands and cause-related marketing campaigns: Knowledge, acceptance and appreciation at the time of purchase
(Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2020-12)
For the Argentine case, studies that identify increasing implementation of three major CSR triple-impact strategies—B corporations, purpose-driven brands and marketing, and cause-related marketing—focus predominantly on ...
Consumer perceptions of B corporations, purpose-driven brands and cause-related marketing campaigns: knowledge, acceptance and appreciation at the time of purchase
(Universidad del Pacífico. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales, 2020)
Strategic tourism management to address natural hazards in coastal areas: lessons from Buenos Aires, Argentina
(Emerald, 2019-03)
The integral approach to risk is currently an important background for the local development processes within the sustaintability framework. Given the greater frequency and intensity of extreme climatic events in the period ...
The role of human compliance for management actions to protect breeding shorebirds in coastal ecosystems
(International Wader Study Group, 2018-10)
Driven by the awareness that protection of shorebirds breeding on coastal ecosystems, including sandy, gravel, and mixed shores, very much depends on human behavior and that activities developed in breeding areas could be ...
Análisis del rol de la publicidad y la comunicación organizacional en la construcción de la imagen corporativa de La Rebaja Droguería y Minimarkets (Copservir Ltda)
(Universidad Autónoma de OccidenteComunicación PublicitariaDepartamento de Ciencias de la ComunicaciónFacultad de Comunicación y Ciencias Sociales, 2018-11-22)
Efectos de la agriculturización sobre la extracción de nutrientes en la Región Pampeana Argentina: el caso del N y P en el partido de Benito JuárezEffects of agriculturalization on nutrient extraction in the Argentinean Pampas: the case of Benito Juárez countyEfeitos da agriculturização na extração de nutrientes na região pampa argentina: o caso do partido de Benito Juárez
(Universidade Federal de Goiás, 2021-08)
Mundialmente, la creciente pérdida de N y P se presenta como una de las mayores consecuencias negativas del avance agrícola. El objetivo de este trabajo fue calcular un balance aparente de N y P en el partido de Benito ...