Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 273
Construcción, adaptación y ajuste del extensómetro longitudinalConstruction, adaptation and adjustment of the longitudinal extensometer
(Universidad Nacional de Misiones. Facultad de Ciencias Forestales. Secretaría de Ciencia, Técnica y Posgrado, 2014-12-01)
En este trabajo se comunica el proceso de construcción y adaptación de un instrumento para medir las deformaciones residuales longitudinales de maduración (DRLM) en especies del género Eucalyptus y Casuarinas. El objetivo ...
Calibrating a photogrammetric digital frame sensor using a test field
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia Sede Medellín, 2014-06-24)
In this paper a twofold calibration approach for a digital frame sensor has been developed which tries to cope with panchromatic and multispectral calibration separately. Although there have been several improvements and ...
A calibration function from change points using linear mixed models
The change point problem is an interesting topic in both cross-sectional and longitudinal settings. In the cross-sectional scenario, the change point problem has been studied extensively. In longitudinal settings, authors ...
Longitudinal study of habits leading to malocclusion development in childhood
(Biomed Central Ltd, 2014-08-04)
Background: The increased prevalence of malocclusions represents a secular trend attributed to the interaction of genetic and environmental factors. The analysis of factors related to the causes of these changes is essential ...
Clinical changes in the severity of dental fluorosis: a longitudinal evaluation
Background: Dental fluorosis (DF) has been one of the most prevalent pediatric dental conditions associated with aesthetic concern and treatment needs. This study aimed to identify the longitudinal clinical change in the ...
Calibrating agent-based models using a genetic algorithm.
We present a Genetic Algorithm (GA)-based tool that calibrates Agent-based Models (ABMs). The GA searches through a user-defined set of input parameters of an ABM, delivering values for those parameters so that the output ...
Strength prediction of squat structural walls via calibration of a shear-flexure interaction model
(ELSEVIER, 2010)
This study deals with a modeling approach that integrates shear and flexure interaction to predict the response
of reinforced concrete squat walls. The model incorporates RC panel behavior into a displacementbased
column ...
Estudio del comportamiento e inestabilidad del refuerzo longitudinal en estructuras de concreto reforzado sometidas a cargas cíclicas
During earthquakes, the detachment of the concrete covering in reinforced concrete structures exposes the steel of the longitudinal reinforcement, which can generate its failure by instability. The present work aims to ...