Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 26
Magmatic gradients in the cretaceous caleu pluton (central chile): injections of pulses from a stratified magma reservoir
Geocronología y condiciones de cristalización de circones del Plutón Caleu: Evidencias de su prolongada evolución tardimagmática
(Universidad de Chile, 2014)
El plutón Caleu se ubica en la parte más oriental y joven del Batolito Costero de Chile central (~33ºC), entre las regiones Metropolitana y de Valparaíso, posee un registro único del magmatismo generado a estas latitudes ...
Protracted late magmatic stage of the Caleu pluton (central Chile) as a consequence of heat redistribution by diking: Insights from zircon data and thermal modeling
(Elsevier, 2015)
Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry are combined with whole-rock composition and thermal modeling to decipher the late magmatic stage of the composite Cretaceous Caleu pluton, which consists of four lithological ...
Protracted late magmatic stage of the Caleu Pluton: Insights from zircon data and thermal modeling.
Zircon U-Pb geochronology and geochemistry are combined with whole-rock composition and thermal modeling to decipher the late magmatic stage of the composite Cretaceous Caleu pluton, which consists of four lithological ...
Protracted late magmatic stage of the Caleu Pluton: Insights from zircon data and thermal modeling.
Zircon U–Pb geochronology and geochemistry are combined with whole-rock composition and thermal modeling to decipher the late magmatic stage of the composite Cretaceous Caleu pluton, which consists of four lithological ...