Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Diseño de un escenario de red virtual para la exploración y control de ataques basados en dns
Most of the attacks based on DNS Domain Name System TCP IP protocol go unnoticed by most users, because the attacker conceals his identity so as to make others believe that it is only a failure in the network, unless there ...
Formally verified countermeasures against cache based attacks in virtualization platforms
(UR.FI.INCO, 2016)
Cache based attacks are a class of side-channel attacks that are particularly effective in virtualized or cloud-based environments, where they have been used to recover secret keys from cryptographic implementations. One ...
Análisis de vulnerabilidades de suplantación en el protocolo tcp/ip e implementación de controles de mitigación.
(Machala : Universidad Técnica de Machala, 2018)
The spoofing attacks in the TCP / IP protocol are those in which the attacker conceals his identity, making the other members of a network believe that it is a known or authorized device. These attacks can occur at various ...
Leveraging speculative architectures for runtime program validation
Program execution can be tampered with by malicious attackers through exploiting software vulnerabilities. Changing the program behavior by compromising control data and decision data has become the most serious threat in ...
First detection of Mansonia titillans (Diptera: Culicidae) infected with St. Louis encephalitis virus (Flaviviridae: Flavivirus) and Bunyamwera serogroup (Peribunyaviridae: Orthobunyavirus) in Argentina
(Society for Vector Ecology, 2018-12)
Mansonia titillans is distributed in the central‐northern provinces of Argentina (Rossi 2015). The females are very aggressive and can feed on several animals, including humans, which they prefer (Almirón 2002, Stein et ...
Punibilidad en casos de ataques con ácido por razones de género
(Universidad de la CostaDerecho, 2019)
Almacenadores y frugívoros oportunistas: el papel de los mamíferos en la dispersión del algarrobo (Prosopis flexuosa DC) en el desierto del Monte, ArgentinaOpportunistic scatter hoarders and frugivores: the role of mammals in dispersing Prosopis flexuosa in the Monte desert, Argentina
(Asociación Española de Ecología Terrestre, 2015-12)
Los bosques de Prosopis flexuosa proporcionan múltiples bienes y servicios. Actualmente, sufren una fuerte retracción debido a un uso histórico extractivista y se hace necesario promover la conservación y el manejo sostenible ...
Meta-análisis de vulnerabilidades y gestión del riesgo en arquitecturas Cloud
(Universidad Católica de ColombiaFacultad de IngenieríaBogotáIngeniería de Sistemas y Computación, 2020)
Analisis investigativo detectando las principales vulnerabilidades en la seguridad Cloud
planteado los riesgos y cómo minimizarlos con su respectiva política tanto
preventivamente como correctivamente esto además se puede ...