Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8568
Approach toward an efficient inoculum preparation stage for suspension BHK-21 cell culture
Mammalian cells are the most frequently used hosts for biopharmaceutical proteins manufacturing. Inoculum quality is a key element for establishing an efficient bioconversion process. The main objective in inoculation ...
Influence of the culture preparation and the addition of an adjunct culture on the ripening profiles of hard cheese
(Cambridge University Press, 2019-02)
The aim of this work was to evaluate the impact of two factors on the ripening profiles of hard cooked cheeses: (F1) the growth medium for the primary and adjunct cultures, constituted by autochthonous strains: Lactobacillus ...
How the carotid body works: Different strategies and preparations to solve different problems
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2005)
The dispersed cell culture as model for functional studies of the subcommissural organ: preparation and characterization of the culture system
Registro de procesos gastronómicos ancestrales del cantón San Miguel, provincia de Bolívar como aporte al patrimonio cultural inmaterial
(Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo, 2018-08-07)
The objective of this thesis is to elaborate a record of the gastronomic culture of San Miguel de Bolívar canton, Bolívar province as part of the intangible cultural heritage, documenting the gastronomic traditions as well ...
The preparation of natural and cultural heritage inventories and accounts
Aborda el problema de los inventarios y cuentas del patrimonio natural y cultural en lo que se refiere a una nomenclatura que podria servir de referencia para America Latina. Para esto analiza como evaluar los elementos ...