Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 24
Elaboración de un documental sobre los veinte años de Cuenca, Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad: turismo, cultura y sociedad
The document consists of Cuenca’s Patrimony has as purpose to let people know and awareness from the declaratory importance, furthermore the importance and attraction that it has to the tourism, in the same way the Azuay´s ...
Construcción de la memoria colectiva a través de historias de vida, en el barrio El Vecino; de la ciudad de Cuenca
Photography’s book tells about the history, origin and evolution of the neighborhood called "El Vecino" based on life’s story in which facts, anecdotes, and experiences of people in this neighborhood. What it was intended ...
La Chola Cuencana: permanencia de manifestaciones culturales en Cuenca
The origin of the Chola Cuencana before the 1950, and after it, their traditional clothing and several elements of change have emerged with the passage of time to become the cuencana image, along with this it their customs ...
Soy chola, soy vieja, soy rural. ¿Qué soy?
From the results obtained it is intended to generate a digital platform that accompanied by stories told from multiple journalistic genres will promote the approach, perception and visibility of the collective represented ...
Documentación fotográfica del Centro histórico de Cuenca
The document consists of reflecting the daily life of the inhabitants in the Historical Center of the city of Cuenca, exposing the different social classes, the daily development of the culture, the poetry and the own ...
Producción del libro fotográfico denominado: "oficios tradicionales de la ciudad de Cuenca"
This document is an analysis about the jobs was growp up in our city since colonial age; travelling around photography’s history in Cuenca and so give with de photography production, the art than every one character to ...
Producción de un libro-documental fotográfico testimonial sobre las manifestaciones artísticas en las calles de Cuenca
The photographic book: "Efímero equilibrio" investigates those artistic activities in the street, considering this place as public space that will be his stage. It parties social and aesthetic analysis of certain forms of ...
Producción de un libro fotográfico sobre "La vestimenta de la Chola Cuencana"
This document in question recorded information about photography, clothing of Chola Cuencana and also the process of the realization of photographic gallery, also has gallery of 80 photographs, taken in technical and a ...
Producción de un video documental sobre la Danza Folclórica en la ciudad de Cuenca: Wayrapamushkas y Yawarkanchik
The video "Folk dance in Cuenca city: Wayrapamushkas and Yawarkanchik" is a cultural documentary that has the purpose to show the audience the importance of folk dance as a symbol of cultural identity, garments, music and ...
Cápsulas informativas para radio interculturalidad "Origen y tradición de Cuenca"
The project involves the creation of a radio communication product, with content based intercultural origin and tradition of Cuenca, producing and structuring different from those offered in the market, based on an explanatory ...