Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 16
Elaboración de un documental sobre los veinte años de Cuenca, Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad: turismo, cultura y sociedad
The document consists of Cuenca’s Patrimony has as purpose to let people know and awareness from the declaratory importance, furthermore the importance and attraction that it has to the tourism, in the same way the Azuay´s ...
Elaboración de un documental sobre los veinte años de Cuenca como Patrimonio Cultural de la Humanidad en los aspectos de la arquitectura y la gastronomía
Cuenca, Santa Ana de los Ríos de Cuenca, a city characterized by its customs and traditions, friendly people and great history. At the end of the twentieth century it received a declaration that is highlighted by the layout ...
Video documental sobre el Hip-Hop y su desarrollo en Cuenca
This communicative product called "Documentary Video on Hip Hop and its development in Cuenca", explains the different moments that Hip Hop culture has had in the city of Cuenca, from its beginnings in 1990 to 2020, in ...
Video documental sobre la migración de peruanos en la ciudad de Cuenca
This project is presented on an investigation of the Peruvian migration in recent years in Cuenca - Ecuador, why the arrival of these citizens that are based on economic and geographical situations. The documentary interviews ...
Producción de un video documental sobre la Danza Folclórica en la ciudad de Cuenca: Wayrapamushkas y Yawarkanchik
The video "Folk dance in Cuenca city: Wayrapamushkas and Yawarkanchik" is a cultural documentary that has the purpose to show the audience the importance of folk dance as a symbol of cultural identity, garments, music and ...
Producción del documental Memorias: Rostros de Calle
The document includes all procedures and technical elements influencing in the audiovisual production, itself a study on culture, urban tribes, counterculture and subculture; to produce a documentary film about Hip Hop ...
Producción del video documental "Yachay Runa - Sabiduría para la vida, sobre uso de plantas medicinales en la cuenca del Río Santa Bárbara"
This degree work is a documentary video that addresses the traditional medicine of Cuenca, Sígsig and Chordeleg, held with the purpose of rescuing knowledge and traditional practices of the Andean peoples. The graphic video ...
Producción de un Video Documental sobre las actividades productivas, socioculturales y turísticas de la parroquia Baños-Cuenca
Baños, a place full of richness and natural charm, has been desired by Indians and Spaniards, who have taken advantage of the gold and silver found in this place. Additionally, the hot springs, inhabitants’ skillful hands, ...