Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 14828
Cuclí Cuclí: Science With No Hiding PlacesCuclí Cuclí: ciencia sin escondites
(Universidad EAFIT, 2019-11-01)
Jaime eduardo jaramillo, tipologías polares, sociedad tradicional y campesinado en la sociología - bogotá, u. nal., 1987.
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 1987)
Identification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes in infected patients from the west of Mexico
Information about genotypes and associated risk factors in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected patients in Latin America is limited. The aim of this study was to identify the HCV genotypes and associated risk factors in a ...
Identification of hepatitis C virus (HCV) genotypes in infected patients from the west of Mexico
Information about genotypes and associated risk factors in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infected patients in Latin America is limited. The aim of this study was to identify the HCV genotypes and associated risk factors in a ...
Editorial- Volumen 15- Número 1
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2020)
Editorial- Volumen 13- Número 1
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2020)
Editorial- Volumen 2 -Número 1
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2019)
Editorial- Volumen 10 -Número 1
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2019)
Editorial- Volumen 17 -Número 2
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2019)
Editorial- Volumen 14- Número 2
(Corporación Universidad de la Costa, 2020)