Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 57
CTCF: from insulators to alternative splicing regulation
(Nature Publishing Group, 2012-02)
The zinc-finger DNA-binding protein CTCF has been known for being a constituent of insulators. A recent paper in Nature reports an unforeseen intragenic role for CTCF that links DNA methylation with alternative splicing. ...
El factor de transcripción CTCF se correlaciona positivamente con la inestabilidad genómica nuclear en células tumorales de cáncer de ovario y con la destinación de contenido pro tumoral/metastásico en exosomas secretados por células cancerígenas de ovario
(Universidad de Chile, 2022)
El cáncer de ovario es la enfermedad ginecológica más letal en mujeres. Clínicamente esta enfermedad es difícil de identificar, ya que las pacientes a menudo presentan sintomatología no especifica. Debido a esto, el 80% ...
Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) clinical subtypes and CTCF site methylation status flanking the CTG expansion are mutant allele length-dependent
Myotonic dystrophy type 1 (DM1) is a complex disease with a wide spectrum of symptoms. The exact relationship between
mutant CTG repeat expansion size and clinical outcome remains unclear. DM1 congenital patients (CDM) ...
Allele-specific methylation of a functional CTCF binding site upstream of MEG3 in the human imprinted domain of 14q32
(Springer, 2005-12)
The gene MEG3 is located in the imprinted human chromosomal region on 14q32. Imprinting of a structurally homologous region IGF2/H19 on 11p15 is mediated through cytosine methylation-controlled binding of the protein CTCF ...
H19-DMR allele-specific methylation analysis reveals epigenetic heterogeneity of CTCF binding site 6 but not of site 5 in head-and-neck carcinomas: A pilot case-control analysis
(Professor D A Spandidos, 2006-02-01)
Aberrant methylation of seven potential binding sites of the CTCF factor in the differentially methylated region upstream of the H19 gene (H19-DMR) has been suggested as critical for the regulation of IGF2 and H19 imprinted ...
H19-DMR allele-specific methylation analysis reveals epigenetic heterogeneity of CTCF binding site 6 but not of site 5 in head-and-neck carcinomas: A pilot case-control analysis
(Professor D A Spandidos, 2006-02-01)
Aberrant methylation of seven potential binding sites of the CTCF factor in the differentially methylated region upstream of the H19 gene (H19-DMR) has been suggested as critical for the regulation of IGF2 and H19 imprinted ...