Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 94
Refining the partition for multifold conic optimization problems
(Taylor and Francis, 2020)
In this paper, we give a unified treatment of two different definitions of complementarity partition of multifold conic programs introduced independently in Bonnans and Ramirez [Perturbation analysis of second-order cone ...
On the stabilising effect of gyroscopic moments in an automotive turbocharger
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2012-01-01)
Automotive turbochargers, which operate at very high speeds, exceeding 180,000 r/min, exhibit two strong sub-harmonic modes of vibrations due to oil-whirl instability. These are a conical mode and an in-phase whirl mode. ...
Taylor polynomial approximation and adaptive passivity-based control applied to the level regulation of a conical tank
(Wiley, 2017)
The techniques of Taylor polynomial approximation (TPA) and adaptive passivity-based controller (APBC) are combined in this study and applied to the level regulation of a conical tank. The design and comparative experimental ...
On the stabilising effect of gyroscopic moments in an automotive turbocharger
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2012-01-01)
Automotive turbochargers, which operate at very high speeds, exceeding 180,000 r/min, exhibit two strong sub-harmonic modes of vibrations due to oil-whirl instability. These are a conical mode and an in-phase whirl mode. ...
A passive fault-tolerant control strategy for a non-linear system: An application to the two tank conical non-interacting level control system
(Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas, 2019)
On the stabilising effect of gyroscopic moments in an automotive turbocharger
(Sage Publications Ltd, 2014)
Diagonalização de operadores e formas lineares: cônicas e quádricas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Mestrado Profissional em Matemática em Rede Nacional - PROFMATCâmpus São Carlos, 2021-02-18)
In this work we will make applications of Linear Algebra to conics and quadrics. We will discuss the rotation and translation of these particular curves and surfaces and understand why the rotation process relates to with ...
Incorporating condition measures in the context of combinatorial optimization
Integer programming algorithms have some kind of exponential complexity in the worst case. However, it is also observed that data instances of similar sizes might have very different practical complexity when solved by ...
Diagonalização de operadores com aplicações à sistemas de equações diferenciais e identificação de cônicas
(Mestrado Profissional em MatemáticaUniversidade Federal de Sergipe, 2018)