Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 5382
Jordan-hölder theorem for finite dimensional Hopf algebras
(American Mathematical Society, 2015-12)
We show that a Jordan-Hölder theorem holds for appropriately defined composition series of finite dimensional Hopf algebras. This answers an open question of N. Andruskiewitsch. In the course of our proof we establish ...
Compositional Time Series: Past and Perspectives
(Colegio de Economistas de La Coruña, 2017-06)
Este trabajo revisa contribuciones académicas que se centran en el análisis de series dinámicas composicionales, un tema poco investigado a pesar de la amplia disponibilidad de datos en ciencias sociales. Explora las ...
Semidirect posterior composite restorations with a flexible die technique A case series
(Amer Dental Assoc, 2017-09-01)
Background and Overview. Besides indirect use in the laboratory and direct use for restorations, composites can be used in semidirect procedures. The authors describe the semidirect composite restoration technique by using ...
Sensing parameters as a function of the chemical structure and thickness of two poly(styrene)-type based composites with carbon black
(Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia y Tecnologìa de Superficies y Materiales, 2019)
Schur-Szegö composition of entire functions
For any pair of algebraic polynomials A(x) = n k=0 n k akxk and B(x) = n k=0 n k bkxk, their Schur-Szego composition is defined by ˝ (A ∗ n B)(x) = n k=0 n k akbkxk. Motivated by some recent results which show that ...
Coupled Free Vibrations Of Tapered Box-Beams Made Of Composite Materials
(Asociación Argentina de Mecánica Computacional, 2006-11)
In this paper, analytical solutions are developed for the free vibration analysis of tapered thin-walled laminated-composite beams with closed cross-sections. The present approach is based in a recently developed model ...
Polypropylene composites manufactured from recycled carbon fibers from aeronautic materials waste
Carbon fiber composites are used in several industries such as, aerospace, automotive, civil engineering, sports goods and technical applications due to its low-weight, strength and stiffness. However, the technology of ...
The effects of filling techniques and a low-viscosity composite liner on bond strength to class II cavities
(Elsevier Sci LtdOxfordInglaterra, 2003)
Composite indicator for the assessment of Sustainability. The case of Cuban nature-based tourism destinations.
(ELSEVIER, 2013)
This paper presents a methodology for building a composite indicator to evaluate the sustainability of nature-based tourism destinations. It combines Principal Component Analysis (PCA), the distance to a reference point, ...