Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 31
Proper subspaces and compatibility
(Polish Acad Sciences Inst Mathematics, 2015-12)
Let E be a Banach space contained in a Hilbert space L. Assume thatthe inclusion is continuous with dense range. Following the terminology of Gohberg andZambicki, we say that a bounded operator on E is a proper operator ...
The compatible Grassmannian
Redundant decompositions, angles between subspaces and oblique projections
(Univ Autonoma Barcelona, 2010-03)
Let H be a complex Hilbert space. We study the relationships between the angles between closed subspaces of H, the oblique projections associated to non direct decompositions of H and a notion of compatibility between a ...
The compatible Grassmannian
(Elsevier Science, 2014-02)
Let A be a positive injective operator in a Hilbert space View the MathML source, and denote by View the MathML source the inner product defined by A : [f,g]=〈Af,g〉. A closed subspace S⊂H is called A -compatible if ...
Weighted projections into closed subspaces
(Polish Acad Sciences Inst Mathematics, 2013-08)
We study A-projections, i.e. operators on a Hilbert space H which act as projections when a seminorm is considered in H. The A-projections were introduced by Mitra and Rao (1974) for finite-dimensional spaces. We relate ...
On frames for Krein spaces
Weighted projections and Riesz frames
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2005-06)
Let H be a (separable) Hilbert space and {e_k}_k >=1 a fixed orthonormal basis of H. Motivated by many papers on scaled projections, angles of subspaces and oblique projections, we define and study the notion of compatibility ...
Sampling theory, oblique projections and a question by Smale and Zhou
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2006-09)
In a recent article, Smale and Zhou define a notion of rich data for sampling problems and reconstruction of signals from a discrete set of samples and study different least-square problems related with the minimization ...