Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 182
Draft genome of the multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii strain A155 clinical isolate
(American Society for Microbiology, 2015-03)
Acinetobacter baumannii is a bacterial pathogen with serious implications for human health, due to increasing reports of multidrug-resistant strains isolated from patients. Total DNA from the multidrug-resistant A. baumannii ...
An open dataset of Plasmodium vivax genome variation in 1,895 worldwide samples
(F1000 Research, 2022)
This report describes the MalariaGEN Pv4 dataset, a new release of curated genome variation data on 1,895 samples of Plasmodium vivax collected at 88 worldwide locations between 2001 and 2017. It includes 1,370 new samples ...
A Shift in Paradigms: Spatial Genomics Approaches to Reveal Single-Cell Principles of Genome Organization
(Frontiers Media, 2021-11)
The genome tridimensional (3D) organization and its role towards the regulation of key cell processes such as transcription is currently a main question in biology. Interphase chromosomes are spatially segregated into ...
Comparative genomic analysis of Genlisea (corkscrew plants—Lentibulariaceae) chloroplast genomes reveals an increasing loss of the ndh genes
In the carnivorous plant family Lentibulariaceae, all three genome compartments (nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondria) have some of the highest rates of nucleotide substitutions across angiosperms. While the genera ...
Expanding an expanded genome: long-read sequencing of Trypanosoma cruzi
(Microbiology Society, 2018)
Although the genome of Trypanosoma cruzi, the causative agent of Chagas disease, was first made available in 2005, with additional strains reported later, the intrinsic genome complexity of this parasite (the abundance of ...
The Modern View of B Chromosomes Under the Impact of High Scale Omics Analyses
(Mdpi, 2019-02-01)
Supernumerary B chromosomes (Bs) are extra karyotype units in addition to A chromosomes, and are found in some fungi and thousands of animals and plant species. Bs are uniquely characterized due to their non-Mendelian ...
Subcellular localization of PAL genes in Citrus limon
Plant defense against pathogens involves mechanisms that include the expression of several genes, which could be located in any of the three compartments that contain genomes in plant cells: nuclei, mitochondria and ...
Non-lysosomal Activation in Macrophages of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) After Infection With Piscirickettsia salmonis
Piscirickettsia salmonis is a facultative intracellular pathogen and etiological agent of the systemic disease salmonid rickettsial septicemia. It has been suggested that P salmonis is able to survive in host macrophages, ...