Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12415
Evaluating Girls Students Dormitories With an Emphasis on Comfort and Intimacy viewEVALUATING GIRLS STUDENTS DORMITORIES WITH AN EMPHASIS ON COMFORT AND INTIMACY
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2016)
Indoor enviromental quality of urban residential buildings in Cuenca-Ecuador: comfort standard
A key factor for achieving healthy environments in residential buildings is the provision of high indoor environmental quality (IEQ) with respect to the acceptance by its occupants, based on levels of the physical parameters ...
Indoor environmental quality of urban residential buildings in Cuenca-Ecuador: comfort standard
A key factor for achieving healthy environments in residential buildings is the provision of high indoor environmental quality (IEQ) with respect to the acceptance by its occupants, based on levels of the physical parameters ...
Thermal comfort in outdoor spaces: Street markets in Presidente Prudente, Brazil
The objective of this paper was to verify the influence of tree shades on the thermal sensation of workers and users that perform different activities (work or leisure) in three street markets in Presidente Prudente (Brazil), ...
Ergonomics in clothing: Importance of thermal comfort in a typical Brazilian refrigerator of beef industry
Human exposure to uncomfortable temperatures has been of concern in the last decade, since in these conditions the frequency of occupational accidents and diseases increases in most cases. This study discusses and determines ...
The impact of shading levels on users' thermal comfort in public leisure spaces
The knowledge about microclimate and its influence on people's thermal comfort becomes critical to the planning process of all types of environment. In leisure facility design, guaranteeing the user's thermal comfort has ...
Land use and thermal comfort in the county of Ourinhos, SP
This study aims to analyze the thermal comfort in urban areas for different land uses. The ENVImet microclimatic model has been used for urban boundary layer simulation, providing the following thermal comfort indexes: PMV ...
O conceito comfort food entre dois tipos de estabelecimentos de alimentação na cidade de Porto Alegre
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2015)
Food is the soul of the kitchen, it makes culinary, the simple act of cooking, to be included as one of the great areas that covers the science of Gastronomy which is currently a huge multidisciplinary field for studies ...