Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2235
Increased menopausal symptoms among Afro-Colombian women as assessed with the Menopause Rating Scale
(ELSEVIER, 2008-02)
Background: Increased frequency and severity of menopausal symptoms have been associated to black race. However, this situation has not been described in any Latin American population.
Objective: Compare frequency and ...
Intimate partner violence-related injuries among Colombian women
(Universidad de la Costa, 2020)
Stable isotopes (carbon, nitrogen, sulfur), diet, and anthropometry in urban Colombian women: Investigating socioeconomic differences
(Wiley, 2014-10)
Objectives: We conducted stable isotope and dietary analyses of women from higher and lower socioeconomic status (SES) groups in Cali, Colombia. The objectives were to test between-group differences in stable isotope, ...
From the «fogón» to the «chagra»: Women, leadership and intercultural education in colombian amazonia and the sierra nevada de santa marta
Using the methodology of the life trajectories, based on the cases of four indigenous women, I want to reconstruct the characteristics of intercultural higher education experiences in the Colombian Amazon and the Sierra ...
De la colonización del género a su resignificación “desde lo afro”
(Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga UNABInstituto de Estudios Políticos IEP, 2020)
Risk perception and sexual behavior in HPV-vaccinated and unvaccinated young Colombian women
Objective To compare sexual behaviors and risk perception between young women vaccinated for HPV and unvaccinated Colombian women. Methods In a cross-sectional design study, 1436 women (231 adolescents, less than 18 ...
Postnatal depression in Colombian women: secondary analysis of the 2010 Colombian Demographic and Health Survey
To examine the prevalence of self-reported postpartum depression (PD) in a representative sample of Colombian women. Methods Secondary cross-sectional study of the information obtained from the 2010 National Demographic ...
The colombian transitional process: Comparative perspectives on violence against indigenous women
Colombia has a comprehensive system of truth, justice and reparation stemming from its history with the justice and peace process and its most recent peace agreement. Although indigenous women are the most affected before, ...
Peace without women does not go! Womens struggle for inclusion in Colombias peace process with the FARC
(Universidad de Los Andes, 2018)
´Peace without women does not go!' Women's struggle for inclusion in Colombia's peace process with the FARC
In this study, we analyze the tactics deployed by Colombian women's rights NGOs, movements, and advocacy groups to challenge masculinism in the peace negotiations between the Colombian government and the former Colombian ...