Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 217
A comparison of search strategies to design the cokriging neighborhood for predicting coregionalized variables
(Springer New York LLC, 2019)
Cokriging allows predicting coregionalized variables from sampling information, by considering their spatial joint dependence structure. When secondary covariates are available exhaustively, solving the cokriging equations ...
Propuesta de un indicador como variable auxiliar en el análisis cokriging
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2001)
Se propone un indicador que facilita la estimación del modelo lineal de corregionalización (MLC), necesario para la aplicación de la técnica cokriging. A través de un estudio de caso se comparan varianzas de predicción ...
Cokriging random fields with means related by known linear combinations
(Elsevier, 2012-01)
Traditional approaches to predict a second-order stationary vector random field include simple and ordinary cokriging, depending on whether or not the mean values of the vector components are assumed to be known. This paper ...
Cokrigagem na estimativa da evapotranspiração em Campinas, SP
The quantification of evapotranspiration is great importance for the crops irrigation. This paper aims to map evapotranspiration cokriging through the relative humidity and solar radiation as a variable used to estimate ...
Ordinary Co-kriging versus Kriging with External Drift Correction: Applications to the Evaluation of the Potentiometric Level of a Free AquiferCokrigagem Ordinária versus Krigagem com Deriva Externa: Aplicações para a Avaliação do Nível Potenciométrico em um Aquífero Livre
(Universidade de São Paulo, Instituto de Geociências, 2009)
Studying the influence of a secondary variable in Collocated Cokriging estimates
(Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 2012)
In this paper the influence of a secondary variable as a function of the correlation with the primary variable for collocated cokriging is examined. For this study five exhaustive data sets were generated in computer, from ...