Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 60
Biogeographical variation in arthropod communities on coyote bush, Baccharis pilularis
(Wiley-liss, Div John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2015-01)
A classic pattern in biogeography is the decline in species richness from lower to higher latitudes. Communities, however, can also vary with other geographical patterns, such as the abiotic gradients that occur from coastal ...
Ungulates butchering and transport by hunter gatherers with maritime economic orientation: The case of the south coast of Tierra del Fuego (Argentina)
(Academic Press, 2021-12)
Hunter-gatherers with a maritime economic orientation have been commonly characterised by an opportunistic use of terrestrial environments and its resources. Studies on transport and butchering activities help to reconstruct ...
Cambios globales en los manglares del golfo de Urabá (Colombia) : entre la cambiante línea costera y la frontera agropecuaria en expansiónGlobal changes in Gulf of Urabá mangroves (Colombia) : between the changing coastline and the expanding agricultural frontier
(Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales, Instituto de BiologíaMedellín, Colombia, 2018)
Relationship between anthropogenic sewage discharge, marsh structure and bird assemblages in an SW Atlantic saltmarsh
(Elsevier, 2011-03)
One of the main effects of urbanization on coastal areas is through the discharge of sewage, which increases nutrient concentrations in the receiving environment. Salt marshes, like other coastal marine environments, are ...
Estudio de la variabilidad sinóptica de frentes termales de la Patagonia Norte chilena.
(Universidad de Concepción.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Oceanográficas, 2023)
Los frentes termales son estructuras costeras generadas por la convergencia de masas de agua de distinto origen que pueden provocar efectos importantes en la distribución de propiedades físicas, químicas, biológicas y de ...