Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 600
Detection and characterization of cloud enhancement events for solar irradiance using a model-independent, statistically-driven approach
Cloud enhancement events are instances in which the cloud pattern increases global horizontal irradiance on the ground above levels higher than would otherwise be expected during clear sky with cloudless conditions, and ...
Techniques to Detect DoS and DDoS Attacks and an Introduction of a Mobile Agent System to Enhance it in Cloud Computing
Security in cloud computing is the ultimate question that every potential user studies before adopting it. Among the important points that the provider must ensure is that the Cloud will be available anytime the consumer ...
On the spectral dependency of UV radiation enhancements due to clouds in Valdivia, Chile (39.8 degrees S)
Data gathered with a five-channel radiometer are used to analyze the spectral composition of cloud enhancements and attenuations of UV (305, 320, 340, and 380 nm) and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) (400-700 nm) ...
Extreme ultraviolet index due to broken clouds at a midlatitude site, Granada (southeastern Spain)
(Elsevier Science Inc, 2012-11)
Cloud cover usually attenuates the ultraviolet (UV) solar radiation but, under certain sky conditions, the clouds may produce an enhancement effect increasing the UV levels at surface. The main objective of this paper is ...
AMFC tool: Auditing and monitoring for cloud computing
Cloud Computing has been increasingly incorporated by companies as a cost-effective way to make resources and services continuously available. However, as a consequence of service downtimes at cloud providers, achieving ...
Faults in Cloud Environment
(Ieee, 2021-01-01)
Cloud computing is an area in great expansion in the recently years and have begin to be indispensable for greatest majority of world population, even for those who do not work directly on technical areas. One of the ...
Faults in Cloud EnvironmentFalhas em Ambiente de Nuvem
Cloud computing is an area in great expansion in the recently years and have begin to be indispensable for greatest majority of world population, even for those who do not work directly on technical areas. One of the ...
The chemistry and kinematics of two molecular clouds near Sagittarius A*
(Oxford University Press, 2016)
We have analysed the chemical and kinematic properties of the 20 and 50 km s(-1) molecular clouds in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way Galaxy, as well as those of the molecular ridge bridging these two clouds. ...
The Chemistry and Kinematics of Two Molecular Clouds near Sagittarius A
(Royal Astronomical Society, 2016-08-09)
We have analysed the chemical and kinematic properties of the 20 and 50 km s−1 molecular clouds in the Central Molecular Zone of the Milky Way Galaxy, as well as those of the molecular ridge bridging these two clouds. Our ...
Millimeter dust continuum emission revealing the true mass of giant molecular clouds in the Small Magellanic Cloud
Context. CO observations have been the best way so far to trace molecular gas in external galaxies, but in low metallicity environments the gas mass deduced could be largely underestimated due to enhanced photodissociation ...