Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1040
Analysis of south hemisphere temperature anomalies over the last millennium up to the beginning of the contemporary age: a comparison between a statistical model and a global dynamic model
(Scientific Research, 2014-06)
We analyze the consistency of the coupled atmosphere-ocean GISS-ER climate model in reproducing South American temperature anomalies over the last millennium. For that purpose, we compare the model results with the Neukom’s ...
Climate anomalies and epidemics in South America at the end of the Colonial Period
(Springer, 2013-06)
Climate is one of the most of influential natural factors on society and economy. One of the consequences of climate anomalies is the emergence of diseases and epidemics, especially in agrarian societies. The current concern ...
Vegetation, climate and fire regime changes in the Andean region of southern Chile (38°S) covaried with centennial-scale climate anomalies in the tropical Pacific over the last 1500 years
Pollen and charcoal analysis from Laguna San Pedro (38°26'S, 71°19'W), a small closed-basin lake located within the present-day distribution of Araucaria- Nothofagus forest in the Temperate-Mediterranean Transition zone ...
Simulation capability of tropical and extratropical seasonal climate anomalies over South America
(Springer, 2005-07-26)
An ensemble of 20 extended integrations of the atmospheric model CSIRO Mark 2, forced with the sea surface temperature observed during the 1986–1998 period, was performed to analyze the simulation capability of seasonal ...
Identification and characterization of drought/wet events homogeneous environments based on regional climate simulations
The objective of this study was to identify and characterize homogeneous environments based on the probability of drought/wet occurrence in the central-northern Brazil, considering Rondonia, Mato Grosso, Goias and Tocantins ...
Record-breaking climate anomalies lead to severe drought and environmental disruption in western Patagonia in 2016
(Inter-Research, 2018)
Traditionally temperate and hyper-humid, western Patagonia experienced its most severe drought during the summer and fall of 2016. Along with precipitation deficits larger than 50% there was a similar reduction in river ...
Record breaking climate anomalies lead to severe drought and environmental disruption in western Patagonia in 2016
(Inter Research Science Center, 2018)
Traditionally a temperate and hyper-humid region, western Patagonia experienced its most severe drought during the summer and fall of 2016. Along with precipitation deficits larger than 50% there was a similar reduction ...
Dynamics of Precipitation Anomalies in Tropical South America: A Multiscale Approach
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2023-05-08)
This PhD thesis aims to study the dynamics of precipitation anomalies and extreme precipitation
events in tropical South America (TrSA). Precipitation anomalies in TrSA are influenced by a
complex climate variability ...