Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 43
Biocontrol features of Clavispora lusitaniae against Penicillium digitatum on lemons
(Elsevier Science, 2019-09)
Penicillium digitatum is the main pathogen which causes postharvest decays in lemons, and the use of synthetic fungicides is the principal way of controlling these postharvest infections. In our previous work, identifying ...
Protection of Citrus Fruits from Postharvest Infection with Penicillium digitatum and Degradation of Patulin by Biocontrol Yeast Clavispora lusitaniae 146
(MDPI, 2020-09)
Fungal rots are one of the main causes of large economic losses and deterioration in the quality and nutrient composition of fruits during the postharvest stage. The yeast Clavispora lusitaniae 146 has previously been shown ...
First report of pestalotiopsis clavispora and pestalotiopsis spp. Causing postharvest stem end rot of avocado in chile
Evaluación de hongos endófitos de frutilla como antagonistas de neopestalotiopsis clavispora, patógeno de raíz y corona
(Asociación Argentina de Fitopatólogos, 2021-09-22)
Los hongos de raíz-corona ocasionan grandes pérdidas en el cultivo de frutilla (Fragariaxananassa Duch.). Entre éstos, Neopestalotiopsis clavispora es un patógeno que provoca grandes pérdidas debido a la muerte de las ...
Canker and twig dieback of blueberry caused by Pestalotiopsis spp. and a Truncatella sp in Chile
Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) has great economic importance in Chile, which currently has about 8,500 ha being cultivated. Recently, the presence of canker and dieback symptoms has been observed along the productive blueberry ...
First report of pestalotiopsis clavispora and pestalotiopsis spp. Causing postharvest stem end rot of avocado in chilePLANT DISEASEPLANT DIS
Effect of stress factors associated with postharvest citrus conditions on the viability and biocontrol activity of Clavispora lusitaniae strain 146
(Public Library of Science, 2020-09)
Only quite recently, we have shown that yeast strains Clavispora lusitaniae 146 and Pichia fermentans 27 can act as efficient biocontrol agents for combating postharvest fungal diseases in lemons. During postharvest and ...
Caracterización y selección de cepas de Trichoderma spp. antagonistas de Dactylonectria macrodidyma, Macrophomina phaseolina, Neopestalotiopsis clavispora y Rhizoctonia sp.
(Udelar. FA, 2019)
La necrosis de raíz y corona es uno de los problemas sanitarios más importantes en los cultivos comerciales de frutilla en Salto, que causan la muerte de plantas afectando directamente el rendimiento. Se asocian a la muerte ...
Antifungal toxicity of linear geranylphenol. Influence of oxigenate substituents
(Elsevier Ltd, 2017)