Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 91
Numerical simulation of mass transfer in circulating drops
(Elsevier, 2010-05)
Numerical simulations of mass transfer are performed for a circulating liquid drop with applications in liquid–liquid extraction. Simulation parameters are chosen for a multi-component ternary system acetone–methanol–benzene. ...
Streamline-averaged mass transfer in a circulating drop
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2018-11)
Solute mass transfer is considered from the outside to the inside of a circulating drop in the context of liquid-liquid extraction. Specifically an internal problem is treated with resistance to mass transfer dominated by ...
Reprint of Numerical simulation of multi-component mass transfer in rigid or circulating drops: Multi-component effects even in the presence of weak coupling
(Elsevier Science, 2011-05)
Numerical simulation results of mass transfer to and from drops with applications to liquid–liquid extraction processes are considered. Multiple solute components (specifically 2 solute components) are assumed to be present ...
Sensitivity of the Near-Shore Oceanic Circulation Off Central Chile to Coastal Wind Profiles Characteristics
In Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS), the upwelling favorable wind speeds decrease toward the coast in the so-called wind drop-off coastal strip, which has been shown to be influential on the coastal upwelling ...
Surface winds off Peru-Chile: Observing closer to the coast from radar altimetry
(Elsevier., 2017)
The near-shore surface mesoscale atmospheric circulation in the upwelling systems off Peru and Chile is influen-tial on the Sea Surface Temperature through Ekman transport and pumping. There has been a debate whether ornot ...
Analysis of the hydrodynamic profile indifferent roller pumps models used in cardiopulmonary bypass
(Soc Brasil Cirurgia CardiovascSao Paulo SpBrasil, 2009)
Theoretical effects of geomagnetic activity on low-latitude ionospheric electric fields
(American Geophysical Union, 2005-05-27)
The influence of geomagnetic activity on middle‐ and low‐latitude thermospheric winds and ionospheric electric fields is investigated using model results from the National Center for Atmospheric Research Thermosphere‐Ion ...
Urokinase Exerts Antimetastatic Effects by Dissociating Clusters of Circulating Tumor Cells–Letter
(American Association for Cancer Research, 2016-08)
Blood-borne spread is responsible for the vast majority of cancer-related deaths, and it is recognized that clusters of circulating tumor cells (CTC) are much more likely to cause metastasis than single CTCs. In the November ...