Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 52
Morphology of fruits, seeds and embryos of Argentinian Capparis L. (Capparaceae)
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2004-06)
Embryos, seeds and fruits of four species of Capparis L. (Capparaceae) from Argentina are described in this paper: C. flexuosa (L.) L. sensu lato, C. refusa Griseb., C. speciosa Griseb. and C. tweediana Eichl. Chlorophyllous ...
Structural development of the fruits and seeds in three mistletoe species of Phoradendron (Visceae: Santalaceae)
Phoradendron is a New World genus of chlorophyllous hemiparasite plants with the distribution extending from the United States to Argentina, including the West Indies. The names given to the fruits within the Visceae are ...
Analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence reveals stage specific patterns of chloroplast-containing cells during Arabidopsis embryogenesis
(Sociedad de Biología de Chile, 2010)
Effects of photooxidation on membrane integrity in Salix nigra seeds
(Oxford University Press, 2010-06)
Background and Aims: Salix nigra seeds are desiccation-tolerant, as are orthodox seeds, although in contrast to other orthodox seeds they lose viability in a few weeks at room temperature. They also differ in that the ...
Improved high-efficiency protocol for somatic embryogenesis in Peach Palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) using RITA® temporary immersion system
Bactris gasipaes Kunth (Arecaceae) is an Amazonian palm cultivated mainly for the production of fruits and heart of palm. Biotechnological tools based on somatic embryogenesis (SE) can be used for improvement and germplasm ...