Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 425
Maternal internal migration and child growth and nutritional health in Peru: an analysis of the demographic and health surveys from 1991 to 2017
(BioMed Central, 2022)
Background: Peru has historically experienced high rural-to-urban migration. Despite large reductions in undernutrition, overweight is increasing. Elsewhere, internal migration has been associated with differences in ...
The characteristics of mobile families with young children in England and the impact of their moves on neighbourhood inequalities in maternal and child health
(Elsevier, 2015)
This study compares the health and socio-demographic characteristics of residentially mobile families with young children in England to families that do not move and assesses the impact of their moves upon inequalities in ...
Children and international migration in Latin America and the Caribbean
(ECLACUNICEF, 2010-11)
Child migration in the region has many contradictory aspects, as reported in the feature article of this bulletin. On the positive side, there are better educational opportunities in countries of destination and, in countries ...
Child-Related Concerns and Migration Decisions : Evidence from the Gallup World Poll
(UNICEF. Office of Research-Innocenti, 2018)
Current times are characterized by unprecedented migration levels: millions of people are on the move worldwide. Thus, understanding why people decide to migrate is a major goal of policymakers and international organizations, ...
OP39 - Dumas, Adeline
Adeline Dumas, aged 87, was descended from a Tobago family. She trained as a nurse and later owned a cocoa estate