Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 716
Teoría de Chern-Simons D=3 y su Relación con Teoría de Campos Conformes
En este trabajo se hace una propuesta de generador de transformaciones gauge locales en teorías topológicas del tipo Chern- Simons, diferente al reportado en la literatura, que reproduce los resultados estándar. Las ventajas ...
Standard General Relativity from Chern–Simons Gravity
(Cornell University Library, 2015)
Standard General Relativity from Chern–Simons Gravity
(Cornell University Library, 2015)
Noncommutative N = 2 Chern-Simons-matter model
(American Physical Society, 2020)
Aspectos de soluciones solitónicas en teorías de Chern-SimonsAspects of soliton solutions in Chern-Simons theories
(Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Universidad de Buenos Aires, 2011)
SIM(1)-VSR Maxwell-Chern-Simons electrodynamics
In this paper we propose a very special relativity (VSR)-inspired generalization of the Maxwell-Chern-Simons (MCS) electrodynamics. This proposal is based upon the construction of a proper study of the SIM(1)-VSR gauge-symmetry. ...
Vortex solutions of the Lifshitz-Chern-Simons theory
(American Physical Society, 2012-06)
We study vortexlike solutions to the Lifshitz-Chern-Simons theory. We find that such solutions exist and have a logarithmically divergent energy, which suggests that a Kostelitz-Thouless transition may occur, in which ...