Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 87
Cercospora kikuchii aislada en la provincia de Santa Fe (Argentina): variabilidad genética y producción de cercosporina in vitroCercospora kikuchii isolated from Province of Santa Fe (Argentina): Genetic variability and cercosporin production
(Asociacion Espanola Micología, 2008-12)
The aims of the present study were to analyze the genetic variability of Cercospora kikuchii isolates and the in vitro cercosporin production, of these isolates obtained from soybean at the central-northern region of Santa ...
Método computacional para identificação do fungo Cercospora Kikuchii em sementes de sojaMétodo computacional para identificação do fungo Cercospora Kikuchii em sementes de soja
(UNIVERSIDADE ESTADUAL DE PONTA GROSSABRComputação para Tecnologias em AgriculturaPrograma de Pós Graduação Computação AplicadaUEPG, 2017)
Draft genome sequence data of Cercospora kikuchii, a causal agent of Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain of soybeans
(Elsevier, 2019-10)
Cercospora kikuchii (Tak. Matsumoto & Tomoy.) M.W. Gardner 1927 is an ascomycete fungal pathogen that causes Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain on soybean. Here, we report the first draft genome sequence and ...
Stabilization of Endophytic Fungus Cercospora kikuchii Lipase by Spray Drying in the Presence of Maltodextrin and beta-Cyclodextrin
In this study the effects of spray-drying conditions on the retention of enzyme activity of lipase produced by the endophytic fungus Cercospora kikuchii have been investigated. Drying runs were carried out in a bench-top ...
Lipase Production by Endophytic Fungus Cercospora kikuchii: Stability of Enzymatic Activity after Spray Drying in the Presence of Carbohydrates
The present work deals with improving the production and stabilization of lipases from Cercospora kikuchii. Maximum enzyme production (9.384 U/ml) was obtained after 6 days in a medium supplemented with 2% soybean oil. The ...
The Use of Detached Leaf Inoculation for Selecting Cercospora kikuchii Resistance in Soybean Genotypes
(The American Phytopathological Society (APS), 2021-11)
Cercospora leaf blight (CLB) causes extensive losses in soybean production in worldwide, including major soybean-producing countries such as Argentina. Cercospora kikuchii, C. cf. sigesbeckiae, C. cf. flagellaris, and C. ...
Early Detection of Cercospora Species in Soybean Plants: Immunologic and Molecular Methods
(Scientific Research Publishing, 2015-11)
Late-cycle diseases (LCD) cause a significant deterioration in quality and reduce yields in soybean crops. In Argentina, in particular, leaf blight and purple seed stain, caused by the agent Cercospora kikuchii, and frog ...
Draft genome sequence data of Cercospora kikuchii, a causal agent of Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain of soybeans
(Elsevier, 2019-12)
Cercospora kikuchii (Tak. Matsumoto & Tomoy.) M.W. Gardner 1927 is an ascomycete fungal pathogen that causes Cercospora leaf blight and purple seed stain on soybean. Here, we report the first draft genome sequence and ...