Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 441
Interdisciplinary project applied to engineering education: construction of a miniature ceramic industry
(Int Council Materials Education, 2015-04-01)
The greatest challenge of undergraduate engineering courses is to encourage creativity, cooperation with other students, teamwork, and motivation in the first years of their courses. While students have little or no contact ...
Circular economy and durability in geopolymers ceramics pieces obtained from glass polishing waste
The development of new building materials based on alkaline activation technology is very promising, mainly linked to products that need significant technological properties and durability due to their adverse service ...
An analysis of the spanish ceramic tile industry research contracts and patents
(European Planning Studies, 2018)
Knowledge management in the brazilian ceramic tile industry & new challenges of competition in the global value chain
(The Leadership Alliance Inc.Collingwood, 2010-03)
This paper has the objective of investigating the role of the knowledge management of the local firms in regards of the new competitive global scenario of the Brazilian ceramic tiles industry. In a more specific way, I ...
Changes in technological properties and microstructure of clayey raw materials from the Corumbataí Formation upon drying: Relevance to dry route tilemaking process
The Ceramic District of Santa Gertrudes (CDSG) is the most important producer of ceramic floor and wall tiles in Brazil. Industries that produce ceramic tiles by dry route process have researched new technologies to dry ...
Interdisciplinary project applied to engineering education: construction of a miniature ceramic industry
(Int Council Materials Education, 2015)
Interdisciplinary project applied to engineering education: construction of a miniature ceramic industry
(Int Council Materials Education, 2015)
Análise da adição de resíduo oriundo do tratamento de esgotos em massa cerâmica utilizada para fabricação de telhas
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-graduação em Engenharia SanitáriaSaneamento Ambiental; Meio Ambiente; Recursos Hídricos e Hidráulica, 2009-04-30)
Sludge of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTPs) disposal is a problem for any municipality, for this reason the amount of sludge production is now a key issue in selecting treatment methods. It is necessary to investigate new ...