Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 343112
Influencia de la sobrepresión de Cd en las propiedades eléctricas y estructurales de películas de CdTe y CdTe: In
(Sociedad Mexicana de Fisica, 2013-01-16)
Celdas solares de heteroestructura:contacto metálico/p-CdTe/n-CdS / n-Cd2SnO4/vidrio
(Instituto Politecnico Nacional, 2013-01-16)
CD34-positive cells and their subpopulations characterized by flow cytometry analyses on the bone marrow of healthy allogenic donors
(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2009-01-01)
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Counting and separating hematopoietic stem cells from different sources has importance for research and clinical assays. Our aims here were to characterize and quantify hematopoietic cell populations ...
Malignant and tuberculous pleural effusions: immunophenotypic cellular characterization
(Faculdade de Medicina / USP, 2008)
INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Tuberculosis and cancer are the main causes of pleural effusion. Pleural involvement is associated with migration of immune cells to the pleural cavity. We sought to characterize the immunophenotype ...
CD34-positive cells and their subpopulations characterized by flow cytometry analyses on the bone marrow of healthy allogenic donors
(Associação Paulista de Medicina - APM, 2009)
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Counting and separating hematopoietic stem cells from different sources has importance for research and clinical assays. Our aims here were to characterize and quantify hematopoietic cell populations ...
Rediseño de procesos productivos para el sector industrial
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2007)
Diseño de producto y desarrollo de material
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2005)
Novos marcadores imunofenotípicos e sua utilidade no diagnóstico e classificação de neoplasias de células B maduras CD5-positivo, linfomas vilosos e neoplasias plasmocitárias por citometria de fluxo
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-04-14)
Introduction: Flow cytometry is widely used in the evaluation of lymphoproliferative neoplasms, allowing for diagnosis, classification, and monitoring of treatment effectiveness. However, some mature B-cell neoplasms exhibit ...