Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 177
Monotonic modal logics with a conjunction
(Springer, 2021-11)
Monotone modal logics have emerged in several application areas such as computer science and social choice theory. Since many of the most studied selfextensional logics have a conjunction, in this paper we study some ...
Construction of a canonical model for a first-order non-Fregean logic with a connective for reference and a total truth predicate
Logics with quantifiers that range over a model-theoretic universe of propositions are interesting for several applications. For example, in the context of epistemic logic the knowledge axioms can be expressed by the single ...
The logical relations of opposition and how to teach them
(Universidad del Zulia, 2016)
On the distinction between Formal Logic and Transcendental Logic in Cassirer and Natorp
The paper compares the distinction between formal and transcendental logic as it is presented by Kant in the CPR, with the understanding of the same distinction by the Marburg’s School, especially Cassirer (1907) and Natorp ...
On Product Logic with Truth-constants
(Oxford University Press, 2006-12)
Product Logic Π is an axiomatic extension of Hájek's Basic Fuzzy Logic BL coping with the 1-tautologies when the strong conjunction & and implication → are interpreted by the product of reals in [0, 1] and its residuum ...
Fuzzy logic systems for assistance in the anesthesiology processes
In the anesthesiology area, supporting for surgical interventions are relevant to make these procedures pain-free and comfortable for the patients. Nowadays, complexity in those methods can be simple, where medical doctors ...
A semantic analysis of some distributive logics with negation
(Jagiellonian University, 2013-10)
In this paper we shall study some extensions of the semilattice based deductive systems S (N) and S (N, 1), where N is the variety of bounded distributive lattices with a negation operator. We shall prove that S (N) and S ...
Private property as a canon: notes for its deconstructionLa propiedad privada como canon: notas para su deconstrucción
(Universidad Austral de Chile, Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociales., 2023)