Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 232
Tiller hierarchy and defoliation frequency determine bud viabilityn in the grass Poa ligularis
(Springer Tokyo, 2011-09)
Bud viability after various defoliation frequency treatments was determined in the perennial bunchgrass Poa ligularis under arid field conditions from 2002 to 2005. Bud respiratory activity was examined on various stem ...
Bud viability in perennial grasses: Water stress and defoliation effects
(Society for Range Management, 2002-03)
Effects of the timing and frequency of defoliation under different levels of soil water availability were evaluated on bud metabolic activity and subsequent outgrowth in the desirable (i.e., palatable) Stipa clarazii Ball. ...
Image classification for detection of winter grapevine buds in natural conditions using scale-invariant features transform, bag of features and support vector machines
(Elsevier, 2017-04)
In viticulture, there are several applications where bud detection in vineyard images is a necessary task, susceptible of being automated through the use of computer vision methods. A common and effective family of visual ...
Axillary bud viability and dry matter production of Poa ligularis in Patagonian grasslands
(Fundación Romulo Raggio, 2004-12)
Poa ligularis Nees is one of the dominant perennial grass species in Patagonian grasslands. This is the first field study which investigated the effects of defoliation frequency on its number of viable axillary buds, and ...
Flower and seed production as affected by axis category and shoot size in two patagonian nothofagus species
(National Research Council Canada-NRC Research Press, 2012-04-21)
Flower distribution within the tree crown may affect both pollination dynamics and the costs of flowering on tree growth. For Nothofagus obliqua (Mirb.) Oerst. and Nothofagus nervosa (Phil.) Krasser, the production of ...
Ethanol production using hemicellulosic hydrolyzate and sugarcane juice with yeasts that converte pentoses and hexoses
(Academic Journals, 2015)
The use of vegetable biomass as substrate for ethanol production could reduce the existing usage of fossil fuels, thereby minimizing negative environmental impacts. Due to mechanical harvesting of sugarcane, the amount of ...
Mechanism of micronuclei formation in polyploidizated cells of Allium cepa exposed to trifluralin herbicide
(Elsevier B.V., 2007-07-01)
The trifluralin is an agent that promotes a cellular damage due to its direct action on the microtubules. This action leads to a decontrol in the cellular division, bringing about polyploid cells. In this work, we show the ...