Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 540
Maullinia ectocarpii gen. et sp. nov. (Plasmodiophorea), an intracellular parasite in Ectocarpus siliculosus (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) and other filamentous Brown algae.
(Elsevier Gmbh, 2000-12)
An obligate intracellular parasite infecting Ectocarpus spp. and other filamentous marine brown algae is described. The pathogen forms an unwalled multinucleate syncytium (plasmodium) within the host cell cytoplasm and ...
The antileishmanial activity of the antarctic brown alga Ascoseira mirabilis Skottsberg
Leishmaniasis is a group of diseases that have limited and high toxic therapeutic options. Herein, we evaluated the antileishmanial potential and cytotoxicity of hexanic extract obtained from the Antarctic brown alga ...
Atividade antiinflamatória de uma heterofucana da alga marrom Padina gymnospora
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em BioquímicaBioquímica; Biologia Molecular, 2007-09-05)
Fucans, sulfated polysaccharides extracted from brown algae and some echinoderms, have been extensively studied for its diverse biological activities and because of its interference with molecular mechanisms of cell to ...
Geographical parthenogenesis in the brown alga Scytosiphon lomentaria (Scytosiphonaceae): Sexuals in warm waters and parthenogens in cold waters
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2021-08-20)
Geographical parthenogenesis, a phenomenon where parthenogens and their close sexual relatives inhabit distinct geographical areas, has been considered an interesting topic in evolutionary biology. Reports of geographical ...
Biosorption of chromium(III) by two brown algae Macrocystis pyrifera and Undaria pinnatifida: Equilibrium and kinetic study
(Wiley VCH Verlag, 2012-02)
Two brown algae, Macrocystis pyrifera and Undaria pinnatifida, were employed to remove Cr(III) from aqueous solutions. Both seaweeds were characterized in terms of alginate yields. The alginate contents were 20 and 30% of ...
Study of nopal mucilage and marine brown algae extract as viscosity-enhancing admixtures for cement based materials
(Construction and Building Materials, 2014-02-28)
Viscosity-enhancing admixtures (VEAs) are required in the production of self-consolidating concrete
(SCC). This paper presents the rheological properties in rotational and oscillatory shear tests of cement
pastes and ...