Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 71
Upper Plate Controls on the Formation of Broken Foreland Basins in the Andean Retroarc Between 26°S and 28°S: From Cretaceous Rifting to Paleogene and Miocene Broken Foreland Basins
(American Geophysical Union, 2020-06)
Marked along-strike changes in stratigraphy, mountain belt morphology, basement exhumation, and deformation styles characterize the Andean retroarc; these changes have previously been related to spatiotemporal variations ...
Seismic interpretation and cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Pozuelos Basin, Andean plateau, Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-01-24)
The Andean basin formation across the Altiplano-Puna plateau has been mostly associated with: (i) interconnected depozones within a simple eastward-migrating foreland, (ii) isolated depocenters in a broken foreland or (iii) ...
The Neocomian of Chachahuén (Mendoza, Argentina): evidence of a broken foreland associated with the Payenia flat-slab
(Geological Society of London, 2014-02)
Isolated marine sedimentary Lower Cretaceous deposits crop out in the foreland of the Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina. They are the result of an anomalous uplift of the Sierra de Chachahuén in the far foreland region. ...
Patagonian broken foreland and related synorogenic rifting: The origin of the Chubut Group Basin
(Elsevier Science, 2015-05)
The Central Patagonia is characterized by prominent continental deposits that belong to the Cretaceous Chubut Group Basin, whose tectonic setting remains controversial. It has been interpreted as a foreland basin, an ...
Cenozoic intraplate tectonics in Central Patagonia: Record of main Andean phases in a weak upper plate
(Elsevier Science, 2017-11)
Contraction in intraplate areas is still poorly understood relative to similar deformation at plate margins. In order to contribute to its comprehension, we study the Patagonian broken foreland (PBF) in South America whose ...
Evolution of the Neogene Andean foreland basins of the Southern Pampas and Northern Patagonia (34°–41°S), Argentina
(Elsevier, 2015-12)
The Pampas plain (30°–41°S) has historically been considered as a sector that evolved independently from the adjacent Andean ranges. Nevertheless, the study of the Pampas showed that it is reasonable to expect an important ...
Exhumation history of the Andean broken foreland revisited
(Geological Society of America, 2013-04)
The Andean broken foreland in west-central Argentina, located 400–800 km from the Peru-Chile Trench is associated with fl at subduction linked to collision of the oceanic Juan Fernandez Ridge. While the conditions associated ...
The development of miocene extensional and short-lived basin in the Andean broken foreland: The Conglomerado Los Patos, Northwestern Argentina
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-01)
The Conglomerado Los Patos is a coarse-grained clastic unitthat crops out irregularly in the San Antonio de los Cobres Valley in thePuna, Northwestern Argentina. It covers different units of theCretaceous-Paleogene Salta ...
Magnetostratigraphy and paleomagnetism of early and middle Miocene synorogenic strata: Basement partitioning and minor block rotation in Argentine broken foreland
(Springer, 2011-04)
Magnetostratigraphic and paleomagnetic studies on early Andean synorogenic strata (Del Crestón Fm.), in the Famatina Belt (28.7°S, 67.5°W) clarify details of chronology that permit calculation of sedimentation rates within ...
Tectonic vs. climate controls on the evolution of a miocene intermontane basin, Patagonian Andean foreland, Argentina
(Springer, 2021-07)
The interaction of tectonics and climate is considered the main determining factor in the development of different depositional systems (from aeolian to alluvial to lacustrine environments) in intermontane basins. The role ...