Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 7434
(Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2018-12-01)
This theoretical work implied to discuss and problematize the existing inconsistencies between the conceptions about bilingual education that guide educational actions with deaf students and the proposals of teacher training ...
Teacher Pay and Student Performance: Evidence from Brazil
(Sociedade Brasileira de Econometria, 2019)
Parents and teachers opinion about learning skills: Comparison between brazilian and italian dyslexic’s students
The aim of this chapter is to describe and compare the response of parents and teachers of Brazilian and Italian Dyslexic’s students about learning skills. A total of 36 students with dyslexia were assessed by the Learning ...
Teacher Education and Insertion of LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language) in Higher Education: Current Perspectives
(Univ Estadual Paulista-unesp, Fac Ciencias Letras Assis, 2015-01-01)
The Brazilian law n. 10.436/2002 (BRASIL, 2002), regulated by the decree n. 5.626/2005 (BRASIL, 2005), provides the insertion of the discipline of LIBRAS (Brazilian Sign Language), on a mandatory basis in Pedagogy, Speech ...
On-line collaborative learning for in-service teacher education
This article brings some of the results of a study that analyzes a hybrid course for in-service teachers in the Project Teletandem Brazil: foreign languages for all. In this project, Brazilian teachers of Spanish as a ...
(Univ Federal Mato Grosso Sul, 2019-01-01)
This article deals with reflections on the initial formation of teachers, from technical rationality to critical-reflexive rationality. From this assumption, we find the following question: What is the importance of providing ...
Research and Practices on Mathematics Teacher Education in face of the Public Policies in Brazil
(Unesp-dept MathematicaRio ClaroBrasil, 2008)
How And Why Brazilian And French Teachers Use Learning Objects
(Springer New York LLC, 2016)
Os salários dos professores brasileiros: implicações para o trabalho docente
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-03-17)
No bojo das discussões a respeito da melhoria da qualidade da educação, frequentemente surgem questões relacionadas ao trabalho e aos salários dos professores. Muitas pesquisas defendem que os salários recebidos pelos ...
Os salários dos professores brasileiros: implicações para o trabalho docente
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2011-03-17)
No bojo das discussões a respeito da melhoria da qualidade da educação, frequentemente surgem questões relacionadas ao trabalho e aos salários dos professores. Muitas pesquisas defendem que os salários recebidos pelos ...