Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 447
Pacto agrário brasileiro: trajetórias, dilemas e perspectivas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosCiências Sociais - CSo, 2022-03-04)
This monograph aims to analyze the agrarian issue under the locus of the agrarian pact, in a timeframe that includes the coming to power of Getúlio Vargas, in 1930, until more contemporary developments of the government ...
A reading of the agrarian question in Mato Grosso
(Revues Org, 2015-01-01)
This article is the first part of a study that examines the agrarian question in the state of Mato Grosso, which will be published in two parts. Our goal in this article is to perform a recovery of agrarian formation of ...
Contested landscapes: territorial conflicts and the production of different ruralities in Brazil
From the perspective of Brazilian agrarian geography, the conflicts generated by land tenure disputes have as protagonists the families of the Landless Workers’ Movement (Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra), ...
Re-peasantization, Resistance and Subordination: The Struggle for Land and Agrarian Reform in Brazil
The process of re-peasantization in Brazil occurs primarily through the peasant struggle for land and agrarian reform. Adopting a geographic method and using territorialization as a central axis of study, this article ...
Reforma agrária de mercado: análise do Programa Nacional de Crédito de Fundiário – PNCF no Brasil
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNServiço Social, 2018-11-12)
This monograph aims to analyze the agrarian reform of the market from the execution of the National Program of Land Credit - PNCF in Brazil in the period of 2002/2016. The research sought to analyze the historical, social ...
Desenvolvimento sustentável e questão agrária : retóricas e realidades em movimento
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia - PPGSCâmpus São Carlos, 2015-12-15)
From the mid-1990s, the debate surrounding the Brazilian agrarian question began to incorporate the issues related to the conservation of natural resources. In this perspective, speeches and projects based on the concept ...
Outcome of the agrarian reform in Brazil during the last two decades
(Interciencia, 2013-08-01)
The agrarian reform allows for land redistribution and gives rural workers the opportunity to develop their life projects, rescuing the dignity of a historically excluded population. The conquest of the land carries ...
A reforma agrária no Governo Dilma
(Universidade Federal de SergipePós-Graduação em Serviço SocialBrasilUFS, 2017)