Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 332
Parallel embedded boundary methods for fluid and rigid-body interaction
(ELSEVIER, 2015-06-05)
The implementations of an updated body-fitted and a non body-fitted method to deal with the interaction of a fluid and a rigid body are described. The physics of the fluid is modeled by the incompressible Navier-Stokes ...
Global weak solutions for the two-dimensional motion of several rigid bodies in an incompressible viscous fluid
We consider the two-dimensional motion of several non-homogeneous rigid
bodies immersed in an incompressible non-homogeneous viscous fluid. The fluid,
and the rigid bodies are contained in a fixed open bounded set of R2. ...
Impedances of rigid cylindrical foundations embedded in transversely isotropic soils
(John Wiley & Sons LtdChichesterInglaterra, 2006)
A simple and efficient direct forcing immersed boundary method combined with a high order compact scheme for simulating flows with moving rigid boundaries
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-01)
A non-boundary conforming formulation for simulating complex flows with moving solid boundaries on fixed Cartesian grids is proposed. The direct forcing immersed boundary method (IBM) is implemented in a direct numerical ...
Motion of a rigid body in a viscous fluid
We introduce a concept of weak solution for a boundary value problem modelling the
motion of a rigid body immersedin a viscous fluid. The time variation of the fluid’s
domain (due to the motion of the rigid body) is not ...
Nondegeneracy and stability in the limit of a one-phase singular perturbation problem
(Amer. Inst. Mathematical Sciences-AIMS, 2023)
We study solutions to a one-phase singular perturbation problem that arises in combustion theory and that formally approximates the classical one-phase free boundary problem. We introduce a natural density condition on the ...
Normality and difference in education: relational encounters at school boundaries
Substantialist ethnographic approaches have been questioned for situating studies into stable groups and places, thereby creating rigid categories of diversity. In this study, we approached school normality through a ...
On the identification of a rigid body immersed in a fluid: A numerical approach
(Elsevier, 2008-11)
This work deals with the study of an inverse geometric problem in fluid mechanics. In particular, we are interested in the numerical reconstruction of a rigid body which is immersed in a cavity, filled with a fluid, by ...