Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 36
Quasi-semi-homomorphisms and generalized proximity relations between Boolean algebras
(Miskolc University, 2018-07)
In this paper we shall define the notion of quasi-semi-homomorphisms between Boolean algebras, as a generalization of the quasi-modal operators introduced in [3], of the notion of meet-homomorphism studied in [12] and [11], ...
Anytime automatic algorithm selection for the Pseudo-Boolean Optimization problem.
(Universidad de ConcepciónFacultad de Ingeniería.Departamento Ingeniería Informática y Ciencias de la ComputaciónConcepción., 2023)
Machine learning (ML) techniques have been proposed to automatically select the best solver from a portfolio of solvers, based on predicted performance. These techniques have been applied to various problems, such as Boolean ...
Free-decomposability in Varieties of Pseudocomplemented Residuated Lattices
(Springer, 2011-07)
In this paper we prove that the free pseudocomplemented residuated lattices are decomposable if and only if they are Stone, i.e., if and only if they satisfy the identity ¬x ∨ ¬¬x = 1. Some applications are given.
Genetic Algorithm for Restricted Maximum k-Satisfiability in the Hopfield Network
The restricted Maximum k-Satisfiability MAX- kSAT is an enhanced Boolean satisfiability counterpart that has attracted numerous amount of research. Genetic algorithm has been the prominent optimization heuristic algorithm ...
Tableau Systems for Deontic Action Logics Based on Finite Boolean Algebras, and Their Complexity
(Springer, 2017-04)
We introduce a family of tableau calculi for deontic action logics based on finite boolean algebras (or DAL for short), these logics provide deontic operators (e.g., obligation, permission, prohibition) which are applied ...
First-Order and Temporal Logics for Nested Words
(IEEE, 2007)
Nested words are a structured model of execution paths in procedural programs, reflecting their call and return nesting structure. Finite nested words also capture the structure of parse trees and other tree-structured ...
Free algebras in varieties of Glivenko MTL-algebras satisfying the equation 2(x^2) = (2x)^2
(Springer, 2006-12)
The aim of this paper is to give a description of the free algebras in some varieties of Glivenko MTL-algebras having the Boolean retraction property. This description is given in terms of weak Boolean products over ...