Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 43
Streakline-based closed-loop control of a bluff body flow
(American Institute of Physics, 2014-04)
A novel closed-loop control methodology is introduced to stabilize a cylinder wake flow based on images of streaklines. Passive scalar tracers are injected upstream the cylinder and their concentration is monitored downstream ...
Numerical Studies of Premixed and Diffusion Meso/Micro-Scale Flames
This work reports a numerical investigation of premixed and diffusion meso/micro-scale flames, with homogeneous reactions, for two different cases involving CH4/air premixed dynamics flames and co-flow diffusion flame with ...
Study of surface roughness effect on a bluff body — The formation of asymmetric separation bubbles
Turbulent flows around bluff bodies are present in a large number of aeronautical, civil, mechanical, naval and oceanic engineering problems and still need comprehension. This paper provides a detailed investigation of ...
Effects of surface roughness and wall confinement on bluff body aerodynamics at large-gap regime
A purely Lagrangian vortex method is employed to investigate turbulent flows past a rough circular cylinder under moving wall effect at large-gap regime, namely h*/d* = 0.45 and 0.80 (h* establishes the gap height between ...
Development of a new Lagrangian vortex method for evaluating effects of surfaces roughness
The main contribution of this paper is to develop a new methodology to include effects of surface roughness on aerodynamic of bodies. The numerical approach simulates the mechanism of vortex shedding of a rough circular ...
Flow structure at a confluence: experimental data and the bluff body analogy
(Taylor & Francis, 2016-05)
An experimental characterization of the hydrodynamics of a mixing interface at an open channel confluence is presented. In the laboratory experiments, both a confluence and a cylinder set-up were studied in order to validate ...
A coupled formulation of fluid-structure interaction and piezoelectricity for modeling a multi-body energy harvester from vortex-induced vibrations
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2021-12)
In this work, a coupled formulation for modeling multiple piezoelectric energy harvesters based on vortex-induced vibrations phenomenon at arbitrary locations was presented and experimentally validated. The mathematical ...
Experimental investigation of Vortex-Induced Vibration on rigid, smooth and inclined cylinders
This paper presents new experimental results of Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) on inclined cylinders. Models are mounted on a low damping air-bearing elastic base with one degree-of-freedom, constrained to oscillate only ...