Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 70
δ15 N and δ13C in Skin Biopsy Sample: a Note on Their Applicability for Examining the Relative Trophic Level in Three Rorqual Species
(Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 2001)
Preliminary stable nitrogen and carbon isotope analysis was undertaken to investigate whether the resulting data support current knowledge of diet as obtained by conventional approaches. Blue (Balaenoptera musculus), fin ...
Sloughed skin: a method for the systematic colletion of tissue samples from Baja California blue whales
The frequency of occurrence of naturally sloughed skin was investigated to verify the feasibility of this method to study blue whale genetics off Baja California. Sloughed skin was recorded in 97% of 337 surfacing intervals ...
Unsupervised blue whale call detection using multiple time-frequency features
(IEEE, 2017)
In the context of bio-acoustic sciences, call detection
is a critical task for understanding the behaviour of marine mammals
such as the blue whale species (Balaeonoptera musculus)
considered in this work. In this paper ...
An unsupervised Hidden Markov Model-based system for the detection and classification of blue whale vocalizations off Chile
(Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2020)
In this paper, we present an automatic method, without human supervision, for the detection and classification of blue whale vocalizations from passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) data using Hidden Markov Model technology ...
Carbon productivity and flux in the marine ecosystems of the Galapagos Marine Reserve based on cetacean abundances and trophic indices
(Universidad de Valparaíso. Facultad de Ciencias del Mar, 2009)
An unsupervised Hidden Markov Model-based system for the detection and classification of blue whale vocalizations off Chile
(Taylor & Francis, 2020)
In this paper, we present an automatic method, without human
supervision, for the detection and classification of blue whale vocalizations from passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) data using Hidden
Markov Model technology ...
A new classification method to simplify blue whale photo-identification technique
(Journal of Cetacean Research and Management, 2012)
Individual identification of blue whales is based on unique pigmentation patterns. Historically photo-identification has been based on the pigmentation patterns observed on a large portion of the animal’s flanks. The new ...
Insights into the underwater diving, feeding, and calling behavior of blue whales from a suction-cup-attached video-imagen tag (Crittercam)
(Marine Technology Society Journal, 2007)
We examined the underwater behavior of blue whales using a suction-cup-attached video-imaging instrument (CRITTERCAM). We made 13 successful deployements (defined as tag during of >15 min and successful recovery of the ...
(Universidad de Magallanes, 2010)