Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 230
Pulmonary Nodule Classification in Lung Cancer from 3D Thoracic CT Scans Using fastai and MONAI
We construct a convolutional neural network to classify pulmonary nodules as malignant or benign in the context of lung cancer. To construct and train our model, we use our novel extension of the fastai deep learning ...
Adenoma negro de la glándula suprarrenal (Black Adenoma)
Introduction: The black adenoma is a rare tumor of the adrenal gland. Clinical case: A male patient treated for lung carcinoma, was found to have an incidental adrenal mass. Due to a suspicious of metastatic disease, a ...
Lesões pulmonares associadas ao parasitismo por sebekia oxycephala (pentastomida) em jacarés-açu (melanosuchus niger spix, 1825) oriundos de vida livre na Amazônia brasileiraPulmonary lesions associated with parasitism by sebekia oxycephala (pentastomida) in free-ranging black caimans (melanosuchus niger spix, 1825) from the brazilian Amazon
(Colégio Brasileiro de Patologia Animal, 2015)
Kinetics of immune responses in deer mice experimentally infected with sin nombre virus
Deer mice are the principal reservoir hosts of Sin Nombre virus, the etiologic agent of most hantavirus cardiopulmonary syndrome cases in North America. Infection of deer mice results in persistence without conspicuous ...
The Th17 pathway in the peripheral lung microenvironment interacts with expression of collagen V in the late state of experimental pulmonary fibrosis
(Elsevier B.V., 2015-01-01)
Background: Myofibroblasts derived from fibroblasts in the pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis causes excessive and disordered deposition of matrix proteins, including collagen V, which can cause a Th17-mediated immune ...
Duality, mining locomotive vs. Black LungDualidad, la locomotora minera versus el pulmón negroDualidade, locomotiva minera vs. Pulmão preto
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2016)
Carcinoma broncogénico epidermoide en un hombre de 21 añosEpidermoid bronchogenic carcinoma in a 21 year old black man
(Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de MedicinaMedellín, Colombia, 2021)
Duality, mining locomotive vs. Black LungDualidad, la locomotora minera versus el pulmón negroDualidade, locomotiva minera vs. Pulmão preto
(Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2016)