Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 150
Comparative study of zeolites matrices in bio-wastes pyrolytic valorization
(Institution of Chemical Engineers, 2021-03)
Considering the importance of bio-wastes thermo-chemical conversion to fuel and platform molecules, three types of zeolites (ZSM-5, Beta and Y) were tested as heterogeneous catalysts. Peanut shell is a high volume agricultural ...
Effect of three biowastes on the productivity potential of a sodic soil
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia, 2016-05-01)
Three biowastes were applied to a Typic Haplustepts sodic soil in order to generate a Soil Productivity Potential (SPP) indicator derived from the biological, physical and chemical properties. The biowastes included swine ...
Non-isothermal drying of bio-wastes: Kinetic analysis and determination of effective moisture diffusivity
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-05)
A macro-thermogravimetric analysis (macro-TGA) was applied to analyse the non-isothermal drying of different bio-wastes (quince solid waste, grape marc and pumpkin shell from different enterprises located in San Juan ...
Influence of pyrolysis temperature and bio-waste composition on biochar characteristics
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-08)
The aim of this work was to analyse the influence of the pyrolysis temperature and feedstock composition on biochar yield and physicochemical properties. The raw materials to be pyrolyzed were characterized, and an ...
Clean recovery of phenolic compounds, pyro-gasification thermokinetics, and bioenergy potential of spent agro-industrial bio-wastes
(Springer, 2022-01-22)
The sequential process of polyphenol extraction from agro-industrial bio-wastes and pyrolysis/gasification of the residual solid fraction (RSF) constitutes an upgrading of the bio-waste to fuel and chemicals processes in ...
Hydroxyapatite nanocrystals synthesized from calcium rich bio-wastes
Hydroxyapatite nanocrystals were synthesized by wet chemical precipitation using bio-waste shells of mollusk (clam and mussel) and egg as feedstock materials. The powdered shells were calcined, dissolved in water, and the ...
Biorganic: plan de negocios para la elaboración de abono orgánico
(Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Sociales. Negocios y Relaciones Internacionales, 2018)
Evaluation of heavy metal content on a sodic soil treated with bio-waste.
The use of Bio-wastes in agriculture contributes to the conservation of natural resources by recycling carbon and mineral elements. This investigation evaluated the variation of the content of heavy metals in soils affected ...