Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12
Rigid internal fixation with titanium versus bioresorbable miniplates in the repair of mandibular fractures in rabbits
The purpose of this study was to compare by qualitative histology the efficacy of rigid internal fixation with titanium system and the Lacto Sorb® system in mandibular fractures in rabbits. Thirty male adult rabbits ...
Rigid internal fixation with titanium versus bioresorbable miniplates in the repair of mandibular fractures in rabbits
The purpose of this study was to compare by qualitative histology the efficacy of rigid internal fixation with titanium system and the Lacto Sorb® system in mandibular fractures in rabbits. Thirty male adult rabbits ...
Optimization of poly(l-lactic acid)/segmented polyurethane electrospinning process for the production of bilayered small-diameter nanofibrous tubular structures
(Elsevier Science, 2014-09)
The present study is focused on the electrospinning process as a versatile technique to obtain nanofibrous tubular structures for potential applications in vascular tissue engineering. A bilayered scaffolding structure ...
Parasymphysial and intracapsular condylar fracture in a pediatric patient managed with resorbable plates: a case reportFractura mandibular parasinfisiaria y condilar intracapsular en paciente pediátrico manejado con placas reabsorbibles: reporte de un caso
(Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Facultad de Odontología, 2019)
Desenvolvimento de um implante de coluna cervical biorreabsorvívelDevelopment of bioresorbable cervical spinal implant
(Universidade Federal de UberlândiaBrasilPrograma de Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica, 2017)
Fabricação e caracterização de placas para fixação de fratura óssea produzidas com biocompósitos de poli(ácido-lático-co-ácido glicólico) (PLGA) e fosfatos de cálcio (Ca/P)
Os problemas de estrutura óssea vêm aumentando mundialmente devido ao aumento da longevidade da população mundial e a elevação de casos de fraturas, em sua maioria em acidentes automobilísticos e de trabalho. Devido a isso ...