Now showing items 1-10 of 113
Patients’ Rights at the End of Life in Chilean Juridical System. Legal and Jurisprudential Analysis from Biolaw’s Perspective
In this chapter, we will show that the legislative framework to protect patients’ rights in Chile is inherently reductionist and points to a limited conception of autonomy, which dwindles patients’ abilities of self-determination. ...
Justice, Human Rights and the Persistence of Hunger: A Current Issue in Bioethics and Biolaw in the 21st Century
Presents the state of the art in biolaw, with a focus on biomedicine
Gathers contributions by some of the world’s most prominent experts on biolaw and bioethics
Considers controversial topics straight from today’s ...
Bioética e biodireito: interfaces e confluências
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBRUFRNPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciências SociaisDesenvolvimento Regional; Cultura e Representações, 2012-12-17)
This thesis addresses the development of technoscience in times of transnational
globalization and highlights the vulnerability of the discourse of social progress, which
may be replaced by evidence of social risk before ...
A importancia da bioética e do biodireito na sociedade atual
Considering the dynamics observed in bioethics conceptualization and its projection at the current society, this work, initially, provides a retrospective on the transformation of society over the centuries and, consequently ...
Algunas conceptualizaciones acerca de la dignidad del anciano en bioderecho
Biolaw is a neologism that deals with the legal rules of behavior in the context of bioethical issues. It also concerns man, his dignity, life and identity. This descriptive study is intended to ascribe meaning to the ...