Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 765
Bio-inspired political systems: Opening a field
In this paper we highlight the scopes of engineering bio-inspired political systems: political systems based on the properties of life that self-organize the increasing complexity of human social systems. We describe ...
The biopolitics and jus cogen standards: tools for economic law enforcement
(Fac Meridional-imed, 2015-01-01)
Among several analyzed issues by Foucault, bio-power was the one with a greater publicity and into this context appears also bio-politics that has been studied by many authors after Foucault such as Negri. The term ...
La vida y el bios, claves en el pensamiento político contemporáneoLife and bios, keys to contemporary political thought
(Mónica B. Cragnolini, 2011-09)
Partiendo de las calificaciones de la vida como Signum y Chiffre de Nancy, recorremos las metáforas de la vida hasta llegar al cuerpo como metáfora mayor a la que denominamos bios. El bios como vida calificada, como poder, ...
Reconstruction policies post-earthquake in Chile: bio-political device, objectivation / subjectivation and resistance. Approximations from foucaultianan logicPolíticas de reconstrucción posterremoto en Chile: dispositivo biopolítico, objetivación/subjetivación y resistencia. Aproximaciones desde una lógica foucaultiana
(Facultad de Ciencias Sociales. Escuela de Trabajo Social, 2020)
Reflexiones sobre gubernamentalidad y biopolítica a través de la educación en Colombia
(Universidad de La Salle. Ediciones Unisalle, 2005)
Bodies that do (not) matter: On the abject in Chilean litteratureCuerpos que (no) importan: Acerca de lo abyecto en la literatura chilena
(Instituto de Lingüística y Literatura. Facultad de Filosofía y Humanidades. Universidad Austral de Chile, 2018)
The bio-theo-political paradigm of autarchy and the paradoxical living GodEl paradigma bio-teo-político de la autarquía y la paradoja del Dios viviente
(Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana, 2021-06)
In the Western tradition, life has been defined within the idea of reflexivity and unity. These two features of life are intertwined in what I call the Bio-Theo-Political Paradigm of autarchy, in which living beings are ...
Another violent protest?: new perspectives to understand protest coverage
This study assesses the relationship between two well-established sets of frames to better understand the news coverage of massive political protests. By relying on Semetko and Valkenburg’s generic frames and McLeod and ...